Tag: mental illness
In Mental Health, There Are No Happy Endings
The biggest myth we all need to fight if we truly want to reach a mentally healthy place.
When Mental Health Activism Turns Dangerous
Mental health activists have been fighting a winning war for more awareness for their cause. But there have been unintended consequences to their success.
I’m Addicted To Anxiety
For the last year and a half, I’ve been going through intense anxiety. It was only after looking back on my life that I was able to figure out why.
Robin Williams Didn’t Kill Himself
The death of Robin Williams is a chance for us to change the way we frame and discuss mental illness.
It’s Time The Jewish World Embraced Mental Health
Many Jews are suffering daily from mental health issues. Issues that could be easily treated, if only we focused on them. It’s time we did just that.
How Columbine Can Help Us Understand Sandy Hook: An Introduction
The introduction to a multi-part series using Columbine as a window into the world of school shootings.
Looking For Answers After School Shootings
A few days ago, a man walked into a school and killed 20 kids and a few adults. No one knows why it happened, but few are waiting to find out.