Tag: women
10 Photos Of Jewish Women Being Awesome
Jewish women are awesome. Here are some images of them displaying that awesomeness.
Blurry Glasses Reveal Hate Of “Ultra-Orthodox” Jews
A reflection on the recent spate of hate directed at Hareidi Jews after a story about blurry glasses went viral.
Haredi Women
When I first met Woman #1, I was convinced she was cold and kind of mean. She spoke with a certain coldness and rarely looked me in the eyes.
Don Draper Is A Tzadik
A guest post by Lorelai Lehrer: “Don Draper – tzadik? What could be a more intriguing twist in the story – and what is more appealing than a character that struggles to overcome his dark side and comes out into the light?”
On Respecting Chaya (And All Baal Teshuvas)
When other Jews put down Chaya and other baal teshuvas, it stinks of self-righteousness, it’s patronizing and it’s disrespectful. Essentially, it attempts to invalidate anything we say about the religion we’ve committed our life to.
Natalia Kadish – Artist of the Week
Natalia showed me her art and I immediately fell in love. Natalia’s work is clearly from the heart, deep and full of passion. The kabbalistic imagery is evocative of artists like Baruch Nachshon.
Mary Poppins: Mary Poppins the Feminist
There’s another warrior, another feminist in this movie, although we might not realize it at first. I’ll give you a hint: she’s a nanny. She likes to fly using an umbrella. Jump into chalk drawings.