Chassids. We are on the way. We are beginning to examine ourselves, beginning to tear open the world and look for reality. We are telling the physical world that there is so much more. We are accessing G-d in every detail of the world. Beautiful.
Now it’s time to take it to the next level.
Today, we start a new feature: The Pop Chassid Book of the Month. This month’s featured book: The Artist’s Way by Julie Cameron. This classic book, written by a true Pop Chassid, is all about reaching deep within and releasing our inner Artists, our True Selves, from their cages.
The Pop Chassid recommends this to all Pop Chassids, artists and nonartists alike. Because in truth we are all artists. We all have an inner poet bursting to come out.
It is not a book that is meant to be read over night. It is a twelve week regimen designed to make you examine your life and see how you might make it richer, better, deeper.
Featuring weekly “tasks”, “artist dates”, and daily “morning pages”, this book is meant to help us access the Pop Chassid within. It is an exercise in action, not in passive digestion. Just like a Pop Chassid is not meant to digest movies without putting thought into them, so does the Artist’s way expect us to treat our entire lives as a piece of art meant to be molded, shaped, and created until it reaches the form G-d always meant for it to take.
Seeing as we Pop Chassids are fast approaching the Jewish New Year, this book is particularly relevant. At this time of the year, we are meant to take a “spiritual accounting”, to look within and see what we are missing, how we can grow further, how we might have slipped into make our life just a simple pattern. Maybe even began to live a waking dream, like our friend Cobb.
There’s no better time than now to wake up.
Buy it here: The Artist’s Way: Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity
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