Category: Guest
I Don’t Care If You’re Not Afraid Of Nazis
Let me walk around with a broken heart in the middle of this beautiful, August summer day. Let me have my moment.
Out In Lubavitch
Chaim Levin shares his journey of growing up a gay Lubavitcher.
Dialogue Between a Doubter and a Believer
A guest post by Eric Kaplan, writer for the Big Bang Theory and Futurama, in which he describes a bizarre conversation about faith he had (or did he?) with Elad.
What It’s Like To Be Suicidal
A guest post by Luftmentsch about the depths of depression and how it can lead to wanting to end everything. *TRIGGER WARNING*
Weathering The Hormonal Hurricane Of A Teenage Chassid
“I know we don’t listen to music during sefira, but a lot of people draw the line at live music,” he says… “In our house, it’s very clear,” I respond.
Jews In The Diaspora Have Two Choices – By Adin Steinsaltz
“To all appearances, as individuals, American Jews have done quite well, but as a people, they are yet to create a common, inspiring future.”
The Secret To Staying Young
We always forget, don’t we? That there’s this child there, within us, waiting to be heard. How can we tap back into it? Guest post by Rochel Spangenthal.
Awaiting Maternal Applause
Guest blogger Rivka Nehorai (aka Mrs. Pop Chassid) just gave birth and keeps expecting some sort of reaction… but where is it?
When Your World Falls Apart
Guest post by Rochel Spangenthal: What happens when everything is falling apart around us, when everything we love is being destroyed? How do we deal?
Beyond Schindler’s List; A Tisha B’Av Story
A guest post by Rivka Nehorai describing her reflections after watching Schindler’s list on Tisha B’Av and how it caused her to examine her Jewish identity.