I Never Should Have Had Children

When you grow up, you don’t really worry about your parents.  They’re just there, acts of nature.  As far as you knew, they existed since the beginning of time and they would be here for the rest of it.  Sisters are there mostly to be teased, so I didn’t get too caught up with worrying about her either.

In other words, it was just me I had to worry about.  Life was good.  Life was simple.

But then this marriage thing happened.  For the first time in my life I worried when this person left the house.  “Would she make it back?” my crazy mind would wonder.  “I sure hope she’s okay,” would be a thought I would regularly have when she was gone for more than ten minutes.

As far as I knew, this was a bizarre thought for a grown man to have.  It reminded me, weirdly, of when my mom would have something that can only be compared to a heart attack and a stroke at the same time when I would come back a few minutes after my curfew.

At first, I thought this was an aberration, a confusing problem brought on by those silly Disney love movies that make it seem like you should actually care about the people around you.  Something I would get over soon enough.

But then baby #1 came.  And you see, now there was this precious thing, this thing that I was for the first time aware did not exist for all time.  This was no force of nature, this was a treasure that appeared because of a very delicate and luck-filled series of events.  She had to be delivered in a hospital because something could go wrong.  She was this delicate thing.  One wrong move and… I didn’t want to think about it.

I was no longer just worrying at specific moments.  I was worrying all the freaking time.  Every cry, every time I didn’t hold her perfectly, that time I wasn’t paying attention when she was in a sling and I lightly tapped her head against a bookstore display case.  And just about every time in between.

This experience taught me something: that life is precious.  That it’s delicate, and we’re all lucky if we happen to be moving at all, let alone healthy and vibrant.  

This was not a realization I wanted to have.  I liked it so much more when my parents were forces of nature, when my sister existed solely to be teased… At this point, I was even willing to go back to the time when I only worried about my wife when she would go out.  This realization about my daughter meant that I suddenly worried about everyone even close to me.

When daughter #2 came, life got increasingly complicated.  They would both cry at the same time, and my heart would erupt in worry, practically jumping out of my chest.  I was worrying constantly.

And worse, every look they gave me was the most absolutely beautiful precious thing I had ever seen.  Delicate miracles, do you understand?  Treasures of reality, brought out of the world of ethereal nothing and into my tiny two bedroom in Brooklyn.

And now whenever I visited my parents, I would have similar feelings.  Feelings of realizing just how preciously beautiful they are.  Just how delicate life is.  Just how lucky I am to have them.  And when my wife and I took my sister to Indian food, and I realized how freaking lucky we are, the circle was complete.

Do you understand what a travesty this is?

Before, life was natural, everything was stuck in place, and there was no such thing as miracles, no such thing as realizing how delicate it all was.  Nothing to be grateful for.  That was the good life.

When nothing is beautiful, when nothing is delicate or precious, when we have nothing to live for, life is so much better.  We have nobody to worry about.  No one for our heart to flutter for when they leave the room, or they cry with their tiny mouths, or get a bit sick.

And it gets worse when you start to open your heart to even more people after that.  Friends, acquaintances, even strangers.  

This happened to me.  Opening my heart to the people around me opened it further and further.  Do you know how painful that is?  To see girls in Nigeria kidnapped and think of your own daughters?  To see wars and revolutions all around and realize that there are real people suffering there?  That the person on the street begging for money is actually cold and hungry, and isn’t just a prop G-d put there to make me feel better about my own life?

What a disaster.  The more I love, the more I care, and thus the more I worry.

I wish I took a cue from the people that were smarter than me: the ones who never let themselves fall into this trap.  The ones who say that “being happy” is all that matters in life.

They’re the smart ones, the ones who don’t notice the miracle that is reality.  The ones who focus inwardly and ignore the pain of others and realize that worry is just a burden.

It’s too late for me, honestly, and I realize there’s no turning back.  But hopefully it’s not too late for you. The next time someone near you needs some love, run for the hills.





75 responses to “I Never Should Have Had Children”

  1. Malka Hellinger Forshner Avatar
    Malka Hellinger Forshner

    Oh, you are just too funny……..( I was going to say “cute” but then I decided it wasn’t “chassidishe”) Yes, loving, caring, marriage, children……..if you let the layers of lead, bricks, cast iron, or even just tissue paper wrapping fall away from your heart, you’ve opened yourself to a tremendously vast ocean of possible worries, anxiety, panic attacks, and various and sordid emotional aches and pains………forever………but then again, you get access to the equally vast heavens of joy, nachas, elation and fulfillment of having discovered the meaning of being a human being here on this earth, with a just a touch of G-dlines/soul as your spiritual engine……..enjoy!

    1. Rebecca K. Avatar
      Rebecca K.

      I was thinking about the halacha that the Kohen Gadol had to be married with kids…and Elad has nailed the reason why. Loving your family and worrying about them opens you up to caring about the world instead of sitting idly by when there’s trouble out there or callously focusing on yourself when others are in need.

    2. Elad Nehorai Avatar

      Beautiful, thank you!

  2. Seema Monteiro Avatar
    Seema Monteiro

    you love, you care, you worry… so true.. i can definitely relate to this… there is so much of insight in this article…

  3. daniel.saunders Avatar

    I worry about my kids too. Problem is, I don’t have any kids. I just worry what will happen when, hopefully, with G-d’s help, I do marry and have kids. I sometimes build terrible scenarios in my head and have to remind myself that it’s just my imagination.

    I used to worry when I was younger too. I remember one day my Dad was a bit late home from work and I was convinced something terrible had happened, probably a horrible car crash. I worried that my grandparents would die and, sadly, eventually they did, though fortunately most died “old and come on in days” (in fact it’s my paternal grandfather’s yortzeit starting tonight).

    So thank you for helping me to reconceptualize this. It’s not that I worry too much (OK, it IS that I worry too much, but that’s a separate issue), but a sign that I do actually care about those around me, that I realize that my relationships are fragile and precious and not to be wasted.

  4. Stella Wright Avatar
    Stella Wright

    I really like this. Except for the part that kind of implies all people who don’t choose to marry and/or have children believe that caring is a waste of time and love is for suckers, and that they ignore other’s pain and only focus on themselves.

    There are many ways to come to the realization that life is miraculous, gentle, and precious, and that it is ultimately worth it to care for others. Marriage and parenting are just one of those ways.

    1. Elad Nehorai Avatar

      You’re absolutely right, that part bothered me too. I just cut it out.

      1. Stella Wright Avatar
        Stella Wright

        Thank you for reading, listening, and making the change. Kudos to you.

        1. ElizaRose Avatar

          I second this. Thanks for bringing this up, Stella – and thanks for understanding, Elad!

  5. Tova Ross Avatar
    Tova Ross

    Ha, Elad! Just wrote a response to this piece, which I thought what your post was going to be a response to: http://jezebel.com/happy-mothers-day-from-the-moms-on-whisper-who-hate-the-1574199180

    p.s. The comments are where it’s at.

    1. Elad Nehorai Avatar

      Oy, that post and its comments gave me heartburn. Where can I see your response?

      1. Tova Ross Avatar
        Tova Ross

        Tomorrow on Kveller, I believe.

  6. Joseph Biener Avatar
    Joseph Biener

    I hate to break it to you, but there is something even worse for you coming up. There is going to be a time when those two precious bundles have grown up, and they will walk out of that protective bubble you placed around them. They will have to face the big, dangerous world on their own without you to protect them. All they will take with them are the lessons you are teaching them now. As valuable as those lessons are, there will be times when they are not enough, and your children will have to find their own path.

    Then comes the next step, grandchildren. I know it seems right now that you couldn’t possibly love anyone as much as you love your children, but then your child has a child. The love you have for them and for that grandchild will explode exponentially. Once again, there will be this small, helpless human that you would give your life to protect, but that isn’t your job. It will be your job to stand back and watch your child be the parent.

    That will also be the time when you will know what kind of parent you were. You will hear your words coming from your child’s mouth. You will see them doing for their child what you did for them. That will be the moment that you will know that you did your job well, and this precious new life is in good hands.

    You have an incredible ride still ahead of you, but you better strap yourself in. It gets bumpy from here.

    1. Elad Nehorai Avatar

      My gosh this is the best comment ever. Thank you so much for sharing and giving such a deep, beautiful perspective. Might have to share this on my FB page.

      1. Joseph Biener Avatar
        Joseph Biener

        Of course you have my permission to share this on FB or anywhere else. If you do, I would appreciate it if you included a link to my blog, http://constructingalife.com/. I can always use some visitors.

        I am a big fan of your writing. As a Jew is who is far from observant, I appreciate your point of view. Connecting to Judaism through your writing is very comforting for me.

        Thanks for your kind words.

    2. Pederson Sonnia Avatar
      Pederson Sonnia

      What a beautiful and wonderful testimony some time things you don’t believe can just happen. My name is Mrs SONNIA PEDERSON from U.S.A am 45 years old i got married at the age of 23 i have only one child and i was living happily .After one year of my marriage my husband behavior became so strange and i don’t really understand what was going on, he packed out of the house to another woman i love him so much that i never dream’s of losing him, i try my possible best to make sure that my husband get back to me but all to no avail i cry and i cry seeking for help i discussed it with my best friend and she promise to help me he told me of a man called DR OKAYA he is a very great man and a real man that can be trusted and there is nothing concerning love issues he cannot do that is why they call him OKAYA. I contacted his email address at (OKAYASPELLHELP@GMAIL.COM) And i told him everything that happen all he told me is that i should not worry that all my problems will be solved immediately. He told me what to do to get my husband back and i did, he said after 3days my husband will come back to me and start begging, it really happen i was very surprise and very, very happy our relationship was now very tight and we both live happily again. So my advice for you now is to contact this same email address (OKAYASPELLHELP@GMAIL.COM) if you are in any kind of situation concerning love issues and any other things that give you problems. THANKS… ..

  7. Kathy Avatar

    Another beautiful piece, Elad! It’s such a joy to read your blog. Have you considered an anthology, or perhaps a book unrelated to the blog?

    1. Elad Nehorai Avatar

      Thank you so much, Kathy 🙂 I am considering both at the time, and I’m trying to work out a schedule that will allow me to commit the right time to both my blog and bigger projects.

  8. How To Stop A Divorce Avatar

    Do you need your ex husband or lover urgently? ?

    My name is Nora woodland from the United States of America and am here to share a testimony i would please want you to read careful. I was married for seventeen years until misfortune came in. My husband and i were living happily with our children and enjoyed the company of each other. Our eldest daughter eloped with her boyfriend and this cost my husband his job because he could no longer concentrate on his job and this almost tore our home apart. My husband lost his job and we were living on the little income i was making from my cabbage. This really tormented our home cos my husband loves her more than our other kids. I tried all i could do to make my husband happy even when i wasn’t happy. This happened for sometime and he had cardiac arrest. We spent virtually all the money we had and still the condition did not improve. I was left with no choice than to sell the stuffs in our house, I was able to realise some money which was spent on his medical bills. I did this for a while until we had no money on us again. We came home and was hoping he could get better. He continued like that for some months and we decided to seek for solution else where. I went online where i met many self acclaimed doctors and spell casters but none could help. I then came across this particular caster whose testimonies i have read. His name is Dr.Brave he promised to help and he did in a way i find very surprising to explain. He told me that he would cast some spells to make my daughter come back and to get my husband his job back. It was like an impossible task. But with the help and intervention of this prophet of GOD, my daughter came back home and saw her dad was sick and she cried and asked for forgiveness. My husband after a week became whole again and another spell was cast to get him his job back. Like a dream it happened. My daughter is back home and my loving husband is well again and now has his job back. So good people of the world i want you to help me in saying a big thank you to Dr.Brave for his intervention. This is one Dr i will seriously recommend for anyone with issues of such nature or any other problem. Simply contact him on his email via bravespellcaster@gmail.com

  9. maxwell Avatar

    My ex-boyfriend dumped me 5months ago after I accused him of seeing someone else and insulting him.I want him back in my life but he refuse to have any contact with me.I was so confuse and don’t know what to do,so I reach to the internet for help and I saw a testimony of how a spell caster help them to get their ex back so I contact the spell caster and explain my problem to him and he cast a spell for me and assure me of 2days that my ex will return to me and to my greatest surprise the third day my ex came knocking on my door and beg for forgiveness.I am so happy that my love is back again and not only that,we are about to get married.once again thank you Dr.YEKINI you are truly talented and gifted.Email: yekinipoweroflovetemple@hotmail.com is the only answer.,he can be of great help and I will not stop publishing him because he is a wonderful man

  10. maxwell Avatar

    Your love spell has huge powers! I cant believe what’s happening to me! It’s been only 2 weeks since you did that spell and Vincent is already after me. Since the last week-end he phoned at least 4 times. I believe he seems to realize his mistakes. It’s absolutely happening as you said!! Thank you! Your work is helping me so much… Without you I would feel so lonely and miserable… Thank you! Rose if you need help contact him via yekinipoweroflovetemple@hotmail.com

  11. maxwell Avatar

    I can’t thank you enough for all that you have done for me. About a year ago I my partner split up, we had both made BIG mistakes in our relationship. He ended up moving away from me to pursue a new life. I knew in my heart that he would be the only one to make me happy. I was relieved when I found your email on a site about what you have done. I requested 1 to 2 day casting of the reunite us love spell and within 4days mark company had relocated him back to our hometown where I still lived. We immediately reconnected and move in with each other. Our wedding date is set for (OCT 2013) Expect to see your invite in the mail thanks to yekinipoweroflovetemple@hotmail.com

  12. maxwell Avatar


  13. maxwell Avatar

    Hello,everyone my name is mlmvc from USA i never ever believed in spell until i meet a man called Dr YEKINI, who help me cast a spell that bring back my ex-lover who left me for one years before our marriage,His spells works beyond my imaginations and today i am happily married two kids and me and my [ex-lover] now husband are very happy more than ever before,what more can i say rather than to say thank you Dr yekini for been there for me,contact him today and your life will never ever remain the same his email is yekinipoweroflovetemple@hotmail.com

  14. Ero Lovespell Avatar
    Ero Lovespell

    Hi My name is ‘Bruno Rico’ just want to share my experience with the
    world on how i got my love back and saved my marriage… I was married
    for 7years with 2kids and we lived happily until things started getting
    ugly and we had fights and arguments almost every time… it got worse
    at a point that she filed for divorce… I tried my best to make her
    change her mind & stay with me cause i loved her with all my heart
    and didn’t want to loose her but everything just didn’t work out… she
    moved out of the house and still went ahead to file for divorce… I
    pleaded and tried everything but still nothing worked. The breakthrough
    came when someone introduced me to this wonderful, great spell caster
    who eventually helped me out… I have never been a fan of things like
    this but just decided to try reluctantly cause I was desperate and left
    with no choice… He did special prayers and used roots and herbs…
    Within 7 days she called me and was sorry for all the emotional trauma
    she had cost me, moved back to the house and we continue to live
    happily, the kids are happy too and we are expecting our third child. I
    have introduced him to a lot of couples with problems across the world
    and they have had good news… Just thought I should share my experience
    cause I strongly believe someone out there need’s it… You can email
    him via eromosalspiritualtemple@gmail.com
    Don’t give up just yet, the different between ‘Ordinary’ &
    ‘Extra-Ordinary’ is the ‘Extra’ so make extra effort to save your
    marriage/relationship if it’s truly worth it…..

  15. Henry Westwood Avatar
    Henry Westwood

    please i want you all to read this testimony as the man was brought to the world to save people from frustrations from lost loves lost jobs i wanna post on this forum because i know there are many of you out there who are in the same problem i was i am Mabel writhe and i am from Canada cold lake in Alberta and i and my husband were married for fifteen years with three children our lives were flourishing my husband had a good job and i was a sales representative in his company then on the 10th of October 2012 my home started to crumble everything was going upside down and my husband left me and my children for a little girl and when i heard of it i was so devastated and when i go to his office to see him he told his boss he doesn’t want to see me no more and in the process i lost my job i and my children we were suffering and i was looking for solutions were ever it was to no avail i contacted so many spell casters who could not do anything and i decided to give up until i met a friend on 1st of may and he told me of a powerful spell caster who she met in Africa when she went to execute a project in Africa and she gave me his mail address as{agumaguspelltemple@gmail.com}, and i contacted him on 2nd of may 2013 and he told me many things i didn’t know before he let me into many secrets and he cast the spell and told me that on 4th of may my husband was going to come back to me i didn’t believe him i had my doubt, and as he promised my husband came begging me on the 4th of may 2013 and i contacted him and told him all that he said came true and he said i was going to get my job back and also get promoted and on the 6th of may i got my job back, i was promoted and i was compensated for the days i was relieved of my work i want to thank the greatest spell caster in the world Dr agumagu he told me he can bring back lost love, lost jobs,promotion lotto win,and many more if we have two men like him today the world will be a good place once again thank you sir, here his is mail if you want to contact him as he will answer you asap.{agumaguspelltemple@gmail.com},hope he help you out too.

  16. Henry Westwood Avatar
    Henry Westwood

    My Name is Emil.I will love to share my testimony to all the people in the forum cos i never thought i will have my girlfriend back and she means so much to me..The girl i want to get marry to left me 4 weeks to our wedding for another man..,When i called her she never picked my calls,She deleted me on her facebook and she changed her facebook status from married to Single…when i went to her to her place of work she told her boss she never want to see me..I lost my job as a result of this cos i cant get myself anymore,my life was upside down and everything did not go smooth with my life…I tried all i could do to have her back to all did not work out until i met a Man when i Travel to Africa to execute some business have been developing some years back..I told him my problem and all have passed through in getting her back and how i lost my job…he told me he gonna help me…i don’t believe that in the first place.but he swore he will help me out and he told me the reason why my girlfriend left me and also told me some hidden secrets.i was amazed when i heard that from him..he said he will cast a spell for me and i will see the results in the next couple of days..then i travel back to Us the following day and i called him when i got home and he said he’s busy casting those spells and he has bought all the materials needed for the spells,he said am gonna see positive results in the next 2 days that is Thursday…My girlfriend called me at exactly 12:35pm on Thursday and apologies for all she had done ..she said,she never knew what she’s doing and her sudden behavior was not intentional and she promised not to do that again.it was like am dreaming when i heard that from her and when we ended the call,i called the man and told him my wife called and he said i haven’t seen anything yet… he said i will also get my job back in 3 days time..and when its Sunday,they called me at my place of work that i should resume working on Monday and they gonna compensate me for the time limit have spent at home without working..My life is back into shape,i have my girlfriend back and we are happily married now with kids and i have my job back too.This man is really powerful..if we have up to 20 people like him in the world,the world would have been a better place..he has also helped many of my friends to solve many problems and they are all happy now..Am posting this to the forum for anybody that is interested in meeting the man for help.you can mail him to agumaguspelltemple@gmail.com I cant give out his number cos he told me he don’t want to be disturbed by many people across the world..he said his email is okay and he’ will replied to any emails asap..hope he helped u out too..good luck:agumaguspelltemple@gmail.com.Once Again His Email Address Is: agumaguspelltemple@gmail.com

  17. Wayne Joy Avatar
    Wayne Joy

    My name is joy and I base in USA…“My life is back!!! After 1 years of Broken marriage, my husband left me with two kids . I felt like my life was about to end i almost committed suicide, i was emotionally down for a very long time. Thanks to a spell caster called High Priest ADODO which i met online. On one faithful day, as I was browsing through the internet,I came across allot of testimonies about this particular spell caster. Some people testified that he brought their Ex lover back, some testified that he restores womb,cure cancer,and other sickness, some testified that he can cast a spell to stop divorce and so on. i also come across one particular testimony,it was about a woman called Sonia,she testified about how he brought back her Ex lover in less than 7 days, and at the end of her testimony she dropped High Priest ADODO ‘s e-mail address. After reading all these,I decided to give it a try. I contacted him via email and explained my problem to him. In just 3 days, my husband came back to me. We solved our issues, and we are even happier than before. High Priest ADODO is really a gifted man and i will not stop publishing him because he is a wonderful man… If you have a problem and you are looking for a real and genuine spell caster to solve all your problems for you. Try High Priest ADODO anytime, he might be the answer to your problems. Here’s his contact:{adodospelltemple@gmail.com}. or call his mobile number +2349035101239

  18. Katherina Avatar

    Hello everyone, My love is back! After 6 years of marriage, my husband left me with my two kids. I felt like my life is about to end i was falling apart. a friend of my introduce me to this great man called Dr Kala, I contacted him I explained my problem to him, he solve the problem peacefully In just 24 hours my husband come back home to show me and my kids so much love and apologize for all the pains he have cause to the family. thanks Dr Kala you solved my issues, and we are even happier more than before you are the best spell caster, Dr Kala i really appreciate the spell you casted for me to get my husband back in my life i will keep sharing more testimonies to people about your good work Thank you very much Dr Kala. Just in-case you are in any problem you can contact him via email; kalalovespell@gmail.com

  19. Clifford Mary Avatar
    Clifford Mary

    My name is CLIFFORD MARY from USA .I am here to give testimony on how got my husband back. My husband left me for no reason 3
    years ago. He moved in with another woman, I felt like killing myself,
    my life became very bitter and sorrowful. Then 1 day, a friend of mine
    told me about a great spell caster that is very good and does not even charge for
    his services, he said he gave him some lucky numbers that he played in a
    lottery and he won. I didn’t believe it because I’ve worked with so many
    of them and it didn’t work. He begged me further so I decided to try
    this great spell caster called DR OZIL. He didn’t ask for anything but he said
    after the spell works, I can pay anything in appreciation. I still
    didn’t believe. I used the spell he gave me and the next day I received a
    call from my darling husband Thomas last month. He apologized and came
    back to me. He even gave me 10,000USD as a means of compensating me. I’m
    very happy now. Thank you DR OZIL, You can reach him via
    email:drozilsolutionhome@gmail.com you can also contact him through his website:http://drozilsolutionhome.webs.com/
    He can solve any problem like,
    (1) If you want your ex back.

    (2) you need a divorce in your relationship.

    (3) You want to be promoted in your office.

    (4) You want women & men to run after you.

    (5) If you want a child.

    (6) You want to be rich.

    (7) You want to tie your husband & wife to be yours forever.

    (8) If you need financial stance…

    (9) Herbal care.

  20. He is REAL Avatar
    He is REAL

    Amos is my name, i sincerely have to not done this before, it is my first time to share my comment on my personal experience with a spell caster and i think it is worth it so as to help others in need. I want the world out there to know that there are so many fake spell casters who are out to rip you off and leave you with your problems, this has been my experience over time until God used my Aunt to introduce me to Lord Zilialia, who helped me within a short period of time and he gave me his word and dis actually fulfil them. i sincerely have not met a man like him. he is so true, words are not enough to thank him for making me have a nice mouth watering job and also for restoring my marriage and blessing my wife Mary, with the fruit of the womb, now i am a proud father. My joy knows no bound as i have never thought my life will be sweet ever again. Lord Zilialia, i appreciate your wonderful and prompt spells you are wonderful. THANK YOU!!! for all you have done for me and my household. What you say you will do is what you did. i am more than happy. please be careful of whom you contact for your spells work because so many impostors are out there with sugar coated tongue to deceive and keep ripping you off. here is one man who will do no such thing because he is truly sent to redeem man kind. i present to you Lord Zilialia, he is been tested, tried and i can confirm to you that he is trusted. contact him now on spellcaster1202@gmail.com and you will be amazed of his works. His email is spellcaster1202@gmail.com.

  21. Billioniers Clubs Avatar
    Billioniers Clubs

    I AM ALEX JEREMIAH ,i lived in ENGLAND,i have been suffering from stomach cancer since[august 13 2012] then i was 19year of age,this illness had caused me pains,as this illness is spreading and eating some part of my womb,i am passing through hell and pains,i could not longer sleep with it or sit either,i cried and cried,my anty[ANTY ISOKA],told me not not cry,that crying will not provide the cure to the illness,she took me from hospital to hospital,i done three operation from my stomach,i could not eat or drink any thing,i was very thinning,my ANTY alway come to the hospital with different pastors,November 2013,the situation became very tough,i could not open my eye or talk,my anty was crying because SHE taught ,i wouldn’t be able to make it, she rush me from churches to churches,they prayed and prayed for me ,but the situation was still very tough,so she took me from PASTORS,PROPHET,AND NATIVE DOCTORS places,searching for a way for me to get healed,but nothing happens.until one afternoon,A woman call [AMADA] MY ANTY CO-WORKER who came to check on me,was going through the Internet,[AUGUST 28 20014] she saw a testimony made by a woman call MATILDA,she was testifying how this spell caster,cast a spell of pregnancy on her and she became pregnant and she gave birth to twins,two bouncing baby boys,after searching for a child for over 12year and another WOMAN was also testify how this same man HIOYA,brought back her husband who left her with their two kids.and wanted to get married to another woman, and make their relationship stronger than ever,after casting a love spell on them,and another MAN [sim young] testify that he was having joint problem that affected his legs,he could not walk for over 3year now,but now he can walk,this same GREAT SPELL CASTER [HIOYE] cure him,by casting a healing spell on him,with this my ANTY decided to contact this spell caster VIA [greathioyatemple@gmail.com],he replied us,she explain every thing to him ,he told us what to do,we done every thing he ask,so he cast a curing spell on me, after two days,me that can’t even open my eye,my eye was opened and i able to talking, and jumping from one bed to another,after the healing, i gone for a check up, the doctor clarify it that,my body system is working very fine,that now even thought i get pregnant there is nothing to be afraid of,i so Happy, really,i can’t believed this is me,i am healed,this is a MIRACLE,thanks to this spell caster HIOYA;i owned you allot. THE ONLY THING I CAN DO FOR this GREAT MAN’ IS TO MAKE PEOPLE KNOW ABOUT his POWERS,
    marriage spell
    divorce spell
    ( 1) want your ex back .
    (2) You always have nightmares.
    (3) To be promoted in your office
    (4) Want a child.
    (5 ) Do you want to be rich.
    (6 ) want to hold your husband / wife to be yours alone forever.
    (7 ) need financial greathioyatemple@gmail.com
    8) Do you want to be in control of you marriage
    9) Want you be attracted to people
    10) Childlessness
    18) Cure for any disease/ h.i.v.
    19)are you facing joint or legs problems
    Contact him today on: greathioyatemple@gmail.com

  22. Frank Silver Avatar
    Frank Silver

    I have to give this miraculous testimony, which is so unbelievable until now. I had a problem with my Ex wife 2years ago, which lead to our break up. when she broke up with me, I was not myself again, i felt so empty inside me, my love and financial situation became worst, until a close friend of mine frank told me about a spell caster who helped him in the same problem too his name is Dr Ekpiku. I email Dr Ekpiku the spell caster and i told him my problem and i did what he asked of me, to cut the long story short. Before i knew what was happening my wife gave me a call and told me that he was coming back to me in just 2days and was so happy to have her back to me. We have two kids together and we are happy with ourselves. Thanks to Dr Ekpiku for saving my relationship and for also saving others own too. continue your good work, If you are interested to contact him and testify this blessings like me, the great spell caster email address is (Ekpikuspelltemple@live.com) you are the best among all the spell caster online I hope you see my testimonies and also pray for my family too

  23. legent Avatar

    If you need any thing all you want to save any thing just contact this email; drbrightspellcastrer@mail.com

  24. Faith Avatar

    I just want the whole world to know about this spell caster I met two
    weeks ago,I cannot say everything he has done for me cause is too much
    to put in writing all I can say is thank you very much am very happy .
    In case you need his help contact him on this email address wisdomspiritualtemple@gmail.com he is a good man thanks.

  25. Owner Avatar

    Hi everyone, I do hope my post gets read and hopefully helps somebody along the line.i will never forget the help Dr Papa temple render to me in my marital life. i have been married for 4 years now and my husband and i love each other very dearly . after 3 years of our marriage my husband suddenly change he was having an affair with a lady outside,i notice it then i was praying for divine intervention the thing became more serious i told my pastor about it we prayed but nothing happen. my husband just came home one day he pick up his things and left me and the kids to his mistress outside at this time i was confuse not knowing what to do again because i have lost my husband and my marriage too. i was just checking my mails in the office when i saw someone sharing her testimony on how Dr Papa temple help her out with her marital problems so i contacted the email of Dr papa i told him my problem and i was told to be calm that i have come to the right place that i should fill some information concerning my self i did after 30 minus he called me again congratulating me that my problems will be solve within 48 hours. he told me what went wrong with my husband and how it happen.that they will restored my marriage but i will make a free donation to their Papa home anything my heart told me. to my greatest surprise my husband came to my office begging me on his knees that i should find a place in my heart to forgive him i quickly ask him up that i have forgiven him.friends your case is not too hard why don’t you give Dr papa a try they work surprises because i know they will also bring back your husband. contact him via supremetemple@hotmail.com(supremetemple@hotmail.com)

  26. mr bennad Avatar
    mr bennad

    I am Clara from Jakarta in Indonesia. I had a problem i could not give birth for ten years of marriage but today Dr. akpos help me and am happy mother of twins glory be God and thanks to my sister in-law for using Dr. akpos to deliver me.
    You can contact him via this email address dr.okpospellhome@gmail.com
    or call +2347065630841

  27. John Melissa Avatar
    John Melissa

    my name is Melissa from u.s, I want to thank the great Dr abolo for what he did for me he brought happiness back into my life. My boyfriend left me and told me is over I was devastated as I loved him so much I decided to contact a spell caster and I met a friend who told me of a great doctor and I decided to contact him and he told me in three days my boyfriend will call me and beg me to accept him I thought he was joking in three days everything happened as he said I am so happy you can also contact him at;abolospell@hotmail.com or abolospell@gmail.com for any kind of help, or call 2347052534659. because i promise to publish his email to the world.

  28. arigbabuwo spelltemple Avatar
    arigbabuwo spelltemple

    Dr Aribgabuwo is a great doctor that has affected so many life positively,he possesses great spiritual power and can handle any kind of problem affecting your life today……
    He specialize in the following… for financial problems,
    marital issues,
    job opportunity,
    any kind of sickness or diseases e.g mental disorder,cancer,hiv e.t.c,
    if you want your ex back….and many more..

    Visit and solve your problem today at arigbabuwospelltemple@gmail.com and i believe you too will have a testimony to share like me.

  29. john smith Avatar
    john smith

    My name is Cynthia and my ex-boyfriend dumped me 8 months ago after I caught him of having an affair with someone else and insulting him. I want him back in my life but he refuse to have any contact with me. I was so confuse and don’t know what to do, so I visited the INTERNET for help and I saw a testimony on how a spell caster help them to get their ex back so I contact the spell caster and explain my problems to him….. he cast a spell for me and assure me of 3 days that my ex will return to me and to my greatest surprise the third day my peter came knocking on my door and beg for forgiveness. I am so happy that my love is back again and not only that, we are about to get married. Once again thank you Dr Ohehen spell caster, you are truly talented and gifted contact his email:(ohehenemenspelltemple001@gmail.com}

  30. Pederson Sonnia Avatar
    Pederson Sonnia

    What a beautiful and wonderful testimony some time things you don’t believe can just happen. My name is Mrs SONNIA PEDERSON from U.S.A am 45 years old i got married at the age of 23 i have only one child and i was living happily .After one year of my marriage my husband behavior became so strange and i don’t really understand what was going on, he packed out of the house to another woman i love him so much that i never dream’s of losing him, i try my possible best to make sure that my husband get back to me but all to no avail i cry and i cry seeking for help i discussed it with my best friend and she promise to help me he told me of a man called DR OKAYA he is a very great man and a real man that can be trusted and there is nothing concerning love issues he cannot do that is why they call him OKAYA. I contacted his email address at (OKAYASPELLHELP@GMAIL.COM) And i told him everything that happen all he told me is that i should not worry that all my problems will be solved immediately. He told me what to do to get my husband back and i did, he said after 3days my husband will come back to me and start begging, it really happen i was very surprise and very, very happy our relationship was now very tight and we both live happily again. So my advice for you now is to contact this same email address (OKAYASPELLHELP@GMAIL.COM) if you are in any kind of situation concerning love issues and any other things that give you problems. THANKS…

  31. Pederson Sonnia Avatar
    Pederson Sonnia

    What a beautiful and wonderful testimony some time things you don’t believe can just happen. My name is Mrs SONNIA PEDERSON from U.S.A am 45 years old i got married at the age of 23 i have only one child and i was living happily .After one year of my marriage my husband behavior became so strange and i don’t really understand what was going on, he packed out of the house to another woman i love him so much that i never dream’s of losing him, i try my possible best to make sure that my husband get back to me but all to no avail i cry and i cry seeking for help i discussed it with my best friend and she promise to help me he told me of a man called DR OKAYA he is a very great man and a real man that can be trusted and there is nothing concerning love issues he cannot do that is why they call him OKAYA. I contacted his email address at (OKAYASPELLHELP@GMAIL.COM) And i told him everything that happen all he told me is that i should not worry that all my problems will be solved immediately. He told me what to do to get my husband back and i did, he said after 3days my husband will come back to me and start begging, it really happen i was very surprise and very, very happy our relationship was now very tight and we both live happily again. So my advice for you now is to contact this same email address (OKAYASPELLHELP@GMAIL.COM) if you are in any kind of situation concerning love issues and any other things that give you problems. THANKS… .

  32. Pederson Sonnia Avatar
    Pederson Sonnia

    What a beautiful and wonderful testimony some time things you don’t believe can just happen. My name is Mrs SONNIA PEDERSON from U.S.A am 45 years old i got married at the age of 23 i have only one child and i was living happily .After one year of my marriage my husband behavior became so strange and i don’t really understand what was going on, he packed out of the house to another woman i love him so much that i never dream’s of losing him, i try my possible best to make sure that my husband get back to me but all to no avail i cry and i cry seeking for help i discussed it with my best friend and she promise to help me he told me of a man called DR OKAYA he is a very great man and a real man that can be trusted and there is nothing concerning love issues he cannot do that is why they call him OKAYA. I contacted his email address at (OKAYASPELLHELP@GMAIL.COM) And i told him everything that happen all he told me is that i should not worry that all my problems will be solved immediately. He told me what to do to get my husband back and i did, he said after 3days my husband will come back to me and start begging, it really happen i was very surprise and very, very happy our relationship was now very tight and we both live happily again. So my advice for you now is to contact this same email address (OKAYASPELLHELP@GMAIL.COM) if you are in any kind of situation concerning love issues and any other things that give you problems. THANKS… .. ..

  33. rose Avatar

    My name is Arnaud from USA I have to give this miraculous testimony, which is so unbelievable until now. I had a problem with my Ex husband 2years ago, which lead to our break up. when he broke up with me, I was not my self again, i felt so empty inside me, my love and financial situation became worst, until a close friend of mine Lucy told me about a spell caster who helped her in the same problem too his name is Dr john. I email Dr john the spell caster and i told him my problem and i did what he asked of me, to cut the long story short. Before i knew what was happening my husband gave me a call and told me that he was coming back to me in just 2days and was so happy to have him back to me. We have two kids together and we are happy with ourselves. Thanks to Dr olori for saving my relationship and for also saving others own too. continue your good work, If you are interested to contact him and testify this blessings like me, the great spell caster email address is (john.godsend323@gmail.com) you are the best among all the spell caster online I hope you see my testimonies and also pray for my family too

  34. Anonymous Avatar

    Thank god I was not deceive by who direct me to the right man DR.ABEGBE the magic man that cure HIV/AIDS with 45mins spell let me give my story to the world to see if you are in my shoes so that you can also get help now from him I was married over 5year I don’t know how this HIV come in to our life but god can tell,me and my wife was married with HIV negative but I found out will were both HIV positive after 4year of married and our son was negative and I was very happy for that but will both was positive and this HIV come into our body through sharp object and me and my wife share it with sex that was how will both have the HIV as am write this testimony my wife is close to me with the help of DR.ABEGBE will are wash clear again HIV negative a friendof mine from Facebook introduce me to this man I share my problem to her because will are a good friend and my wife know her very well and this woman show me how to get cured from this man DR.ABEGBE is a nice man if you are faithfully to him he ask me to give him our details to him for consultation I did and he inform me what to do for the cure wish I did and after everything is done he assured me that we will be cured after 45mins and me and my wife will are very happy to show our negative result THANKS DR.ABEGBE you are the best you can get help from him now if you have HIV just contact him through this email . DR.ABEGBESPELLHOME@HOTMAIL.COM OR DR.ABEGBESPELLHOME@GMAIL.COM +2348113017989 CANCER, LIVER PROBLEMS, CHEST PAIN, ALL TYPES OF DEADLY,HIV/AID, Ebola, Rota virus, Smallpox ,Hepatitis DISEASE

  35. Tasha Benjamin Avatar
    Tasha Benjamin

    Am very happy to tell every one to hear my testimony. I have been married for 6years and on the fifth year of my marriage, another woman had to take my husband away from me and my husband left me and the kids and we have suffered for 2years until i met a post where this man Dr. swami have helped someone and i decided to give him a try to help me bring my husband back home and believe me i just send my picture to him and that of my husband and after 48hours as he have told me, i saw a car drove into the house and behold it was my husband and he have come to me and the kids and that is why i am happy to make every one of you in similar to met with this man and have your lover back to your self. You can contact him with this email address swamitemple@yahoo.com I am sure he will do same to help you too.

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