10 Photos To Remind You That Jews Don’t Fit Into A Stereotype (And Never Have)

Okay, let’s be real.  Most of the world, and especially America, when it imagines what Jews look like, usually has an image like this sticking out in their mind:

Yep, thanks to people like Larry David, Hollywood, and plenty of other reasons that have no connection to reality, the majority of the world likes to think Jews are all white and nerdy.  And have been like that since day one.

And, of course, when they think of religious Jews, they usually have an image like this in their minds:

Black hats, beards, and, most importantly: white as a sheet.  Simply put: Jews are stereotyped.

Even more striking is the way women are stereotyped.  Either as old (white) ladies fussing over their mini Larry Davids…


or young (white) JAPs, as that charming new reality show has painfully reminded us.

princesses long island bravo 660

So, what’s a Jew to do?  As a Sephardic Jew who also happens to be religious, I thought I should do a bit of an exposé on the beautiful rainbow that is the Jewish people.  A people that can’t be defined as a race or be put into a convenient box.  A people that defy all stereotypes.

Shall we begin?

1. Iranian Jewish dervishes, c. 1922

69939Traditionally, dervishes, a group of ascetics committed to extreme poverty, is a strictly Islamic path.  However, these two brothers were able to fully integrate themselves into the dervish way of life without sacrificing their Jewish identity.  Read a more in depth description of this fascinating story here.

2. Jewish Children with a Teacher, Samarkand, 1911

photo (1)

There’s something so powerful about this picture.  Taken by a photographer named Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii in a rare instance of color photography for the time, it beautifully captures a teacher and his pupils.  The funny thing is, most of us think of religious Jews as only wearing black and white.  This colorful image destroys that conception, reminding us that Jews, for much of their history, and many of the places they lived in, were a colorful people.

3. Jews In Iraq? Yep. circa 1908-1910


We often forget that there was a thriving population of Jews in the Middle East until very recently.  Patriotic Jews that strongly identified with the countries they lived in.  Here is a powerful images of a Jewish “scout” group in Iraq in the early 20th century.  Behind them is their club flag and the Iraqi flag of the time.  They look so normal.  They fit in so well.

4. Members of the Jewish Brigade Local Defense, India, 1939

5. Yemenite Jewish Woman, 1983


Taken by the fantastic photographer, Frederic Brenner, from his series “Diaspora” of Jews in far-flung places like Yemen.  What is sad about this image is that it is doubtful anyone similar is left in the country after years of persecution and flights to Israel.

6. Ethiopian/Israeli/Jewish/Awesome


This fantastic image is of just a few of the many Ethiopian Jews that reside in Israel.  A group of people part of the Jewish people, fighting with the Jewish people, and helping create a special culture within Israel.

7. Rastaboy Raslion


I ran into this image through Reddit, and most people had no idea who this guy was.  Some were worried that this guy might not really be Jewish, showing an immediate prejudce about what a Jew is “supposed” to look like.  So I posted it on my Facebook page, and next thing I knew, this guy Rastaboy Raslion, an awesome DJ in Tel Aviv, claimed the pic.  Such a special picture, and shows no matter how we look, what kind of hair we have, there is no way to easily categorize Jews.

7. The Unicorn

Gulienne Rison, Riverdale, 2012

This image is of Gulienne Rollins-Rison, who was featured in a recent powerful piece in New York Magazine.  She is married to Manishtana, a writer and self-proclaimed social activist, who was also featured.  Sadly, even within the Jewish community itself, there can be a misconception that Jews are supposed to look a certain way.  As Gulienne says, “As a Jew of color, you’re this mythical creature that supposedly doesn’t exist. [Manishtana’s] been writing a book about his life that’s going to be called Thoughts From a Unicorn.

Thoughts From a Unicorn has since be released and you can buy it on Amazon.

8. The Couple

Chava and Baruch Arky, 2012

This photo is from the same series and is of my friend Baruch Arky and his wife Zehava, whose parents are Muslim and Christian.  In my mind, I feel as even those of us who know that Jews of color are prevalent within the community assume that that they can’t possibly marry or integrate with the Ashkenazim of the bunch.  As Zehava says, “Before I got married, when people would try to set me up, they would often set me up with another Jew of color, without considering if we might have anything else in common.”

9. Fully Jewish, Fully Chinese

Fully Jewish; Fully Chinese

Fully Jewish; Fully Chinese

Fully Jewish;Fully Chinese


Fully Jewish; Fully Chinese

I couldn’t pick just one from this incredible series of photographs profiling Chinese-Israelis.  These men and women come from a community of Chinese people who have identified as Jewish for generations.  However, because they passed Judaism through the father, when they decided to make Aliyah, Israel wouldn’t allow them to come without converting.  This did not deter the ones who were determined to move, though.  After years of going through the conversion process, half a dozen of them made Aliyah, accepted fully as Jews and Israelis, and another six are studying in Jerusalem and undergoing conversion.  Beautiful.  Read more here.

10. And just remember…


This is an image I made a little while ago that was playing off a famous ad campaign done by Levi’s Rye that essentially used people from different races in their ads to show people who “weren’t Jewish” enjoying their bread.  Time to set the record straight.





222 responses to “10 Photos To Remind You That Jews Don’t Fit Into A Stereotype (And Never Have)”

  1. Rebecca K. Avatar
    Rebecca K.

    So jaw-droppingly awesome! Number 1 is my favorite, though.

  2. casual observer Avatar
    casual observer

    great job, seriously

  3. Reg'Marie Bullock Avatar
    Reg’Marie Bullock

    WOW…thank you for expending my thinking…..

  4. ChiliB Avatar

    Speaking of stereotypes: Not all Ashkenazic Jews are White!

    German Jews (Yekkes) come from Spain and Portugal. They were refugees from the Spanish Inquisition. Like many from southern Spain, these Jews were North African and Arabesque in aesthetic for most of history. Their descendants are still not “white” in the same manner that Eastern-European Ashkenazic Jews might present aesthetically.

    The closest minhag (tradition) in the world to Yekke practice is Moroccan Jewish minhag.

    1. Elad Nehorai Avatar

      Good call! Thanks for the clarification.

    2. Zvi Zimri Avatar
      Zvi Zimri

      You are wrong big time. Prior to the modern era, nearly all German Jews had come to Germany from Italy and Greece more than 5 centuries prior to the Spanish Inquisition.

      1. ChiliB Avatar

        Zvi — I am correct. Jewish history is full of diaspora. You seem to be referring to the Medieval German Jews who were expelled to the east , while I’m referring to “Yekkes.”


        Those Jews who were in Germany during Medieval-times were expelled from Germany and fled eastward well before the 15th century began (~1300?); They became Eastern-European Yiddish-speaking Jews. Today, the communities that USED TO live in Germany claim their heritage to be Polish, Lithuanian, Russian, etc. AKA the Shtetl cultures.

        German Jews, as a label for a community, refer to those who are German Jewish in culture and minhag NOW. “Yekke” is a term for those who entered Germany and established community after the Inquisition (200+ years after the Medieval expulsion of Ashkenaz). The first arrival of Portuguese Jews into Germany was in the early 1500’s under permission of the Danish king (Denmark occupied North Germany at this time). Germany Jews don’t speak Yiddish like Eastern-European Askenazi Jews, they speak German. Their coloring and ancestry is different from their Eastern-European counterparts.

        I would recommend “The Memoirs of Gluckel of Hameln” as a good intro to this community. It is a journal of a German Jewish woman who lived at the time of the Protestant Reformation of Martin Luther. She’s of Sephardic ancestry (re: my first post). She is a mutual ancestor of the Carlebachs, the Oppenheimers, Heinrich Heine and dozens of other famous German Jews.

        Totally Sephardic and Totally Ashkenazi.
        Take that Stereotypes.

        1. Zvi Zimri Avatar
          Zvi Zimri

          Perhaps the majority, but definitely NOT ALL Medieval German Jews migrated to the east; the process of their emigration began in the late 1000’s when the Crusaders committed massacres in the communities along the Rhein etc. So there kept being original Ashkenazi Jews in Germany practically until today, although their sojourn was perhaps punctured by several decades of expulsion in the Middle Ages.

        2. Joe Q. Avatar
          Joe Q.

          This is an unusual post. I am far from an expert but have done a fair bit of reading, and have never once heard the claim that Yekkes are of Sephardic origin. As other commenters have noted, the Yekkes are “Western Ashkenazim”, ultimately descended from the Jews of northern France / north-western Germany (think Rashi and his contemporaries) just as Eastern Ashkenazim are. All Ashkenazim are are thought (based on historical and genetic evidence) to have arrived there from the late Roman and Byzantine empires.

          Eastern Ashkenazim moved eastward from Germany to the then more hospitable environs of Poland and as the communities dispersed, unique traditions became isolated and developed independently.

          I have no doubt that the Sephardi and Western Ashkenazi (Yekkish) communities in North-West Europe influenced each other in terms of customs, liturgy, and dress, but they are not one and the same. The Sephardi communities did indeed arrive after the expulsion from Spain but kept their customs and use of Portuguese or Spanish. Sephardi and Yekkish communities coexisted (and continue to do so) in places like Holland for a very long time.

          Yekkes in Germany spoke a Western dialect of Yiddish that, over time, became somewhat different from Eastern Yiddish due to cultural and linguistic factors (Eastern Yiddish picked up Slavic loan-words). Assimilation caused German Jews to drop this dialect and use German in daily life.

          Since you have read Gluckel of Hameln you no doubt know that she writes basically in Western Yiddish (Judeo-German) and not Standard German. The diaries were translated into German in the 19th century. She never once mentions having Sephardi ancestry and as far as I can tell, though she peppers her text with French words and expressions, she never uses Portuguese or Spanish words. She mentions people going back and forth to Poland for business. And she points it out when she encounters a Sephardi (e.g. when her husband falls ill, she calls the doctor, “the Sephardi Abraham Lopez” — I may have the name wrong) Glucekl was an Ashkenazi, not a Sephardi by any stretch.

          1. ChiliB Avatar

            Joe: It’s difficult to find you internet links on this topic, but I did find a wiki article which touches upon it. It’s my recollection that the Gluckel’s family is from Hamburg/Altona in the north and like other Sephardic Yekkes moved south over time. She was Ashkenazi by MINHAG and Sephardi by BLOOD, as is the lineage and history of many Yekkes.

            “From about 1590 on there has been a Portuguese Jewish community in Hamburg, whose qehilla קהילה existed until its compulsory merger with the Ashkenazi congregation in July 1939. The first Sephardic settlers were Portuguese Marranos, who had fled from their own country under Philip II and Philip III, at first concealing their religion in their new place of residence.”


            I encourage you to pursue further literature on German Jewery, the permission of the Portuguese Jews to enter Altona, and the descendents of the original Sephardic settlers.

            Back to the original comment and its point: Not all who are called “Ashkenazim” are White,

            In the Jewish world, discussion of simultaneous Sephardic/Ashkenazic ancestry has been downplayed (perhaps because it doesn’t fit neatly into our ethnic boxes), but it does exist.

          2. Joe Q. Avatar
            Joe Q.

            You are correct that Glueckel lived in Altona. You are also correct that Sephardim lived in Altona in Glueckel’s time. But this absolutely does not demonstrate that the Jews of Altona were ALL descended from Sephardim; the link you provided even makes it very clear that there were separate Ashkenazi and Sephardi communities co-existent in Altona from the 17th century on. Those Ashkenazi communities were what we would now call Yekkes (the word is somewhat pejorative).

            If you believe that Glueckel, as what we would now call a Yekke, was of Sephardic ancestry, you have to explain why she writes in Western Yiddish, not in German, Spanish, Portuguese, or even Hebrew, and why she never once mentions being of Sephardi descent, even though she was born in 1646, only about 50 years after Sephardim arrived in the area (according to your link). You also have to explain why the people in her community have characteristically Ashkenazi names and why she specifically mentions the few characters that are Sephardi (this happens a couple of times in the book).

            I don’t doubt that there were significant numbers of Sephardim in north-west Germany in that time period. I also don’t doubt that there was some intermarriage between the groups. But that is not the same as saying that the whole Yekkish community are descended from Sephardim.

            I strongly encourage you to find some evidence that the Yekkish community are in fact descended from Sephardim if you wish to pursue this claim. I think you will find the task difficult or impossible, though.

          3. ChiliB Avatar

            As you said, you are not an expert on this topic. (Do you speak German? There is more extensive material on this topic in German.)

            The answer to your question falls under the category of intermarriage and assimilation — we’re talking ~500 years for changes to take place in a culture, which is substantial. Yekke minhag is different from other Askenazic minhagim because it’s a blend of the Sephardic minhag with previous Western Askenazic customs. As I previously mentioned, it has similarities to Moroccan minhag even though Yekkes are considered Ashkenazim.

            As far as the language issue and cultural issue — There was something called “minhag ha makom” (tradition of the place) which most Jews practiced at that time which is the appropriation of the local custom and language of the region if one existed before your Jewish community immigrated there. It’s generally not practiced today, with some exception being the “minhag ha makom” of Jerusalem being a Lithuanian tradition which many who emigrate to Israel take on even if its not within their own ethnic lineage or family tradition – it’s called “Yerushalami”

            I am Yekke and know a significant number of other Yekkim. Most Yekkish people that I have met from communities in Israel, England, South Africa, Australia, Argentina and the USA have Sephardic heritage. Also, most of us are married in with eachother at one point or another – Yekkes have kept pretty extensive records. (The previous only holds true for those whose families lived in Germany for more than a few decades before the war, not recent Polish immigrants to the area.)

            Also, to clarify the limited information in the link – the Portuguese community established a public persona in 1590. They had been in the area since the early 1500s in one capacity or another.

            As far as the Gluckel – whether or not I’m mistaken about her as a specific example of Sephardic Ashkenazim, that is not the point. The point is that ~Not all Askenazim are White~

          4. Joe Q. Avatar
            Joe Q.

            We will have to agree to disagree. I remain confused by your statement that “Yekke is a term for those who entered Germany and established community after the Inquisition (200+ years after the Medieval expulsion of Ashkenaz)” because in all my reading of Jewish history I have never come across such a claim or even a suggestion that the Western Ashkenazim / “Yekkes” were descended from Sephardim (who somehow adopted Ashkenazi customs, languages and names within a few generations while other Sephardim in the same lands kept theirs?)

            As for “not all Ashkenazim are white” — sure. I happen to think that labels like “white” are fairly meaningless. I am light-skinned but have Ashkenazi friends who are much darker-skinned than I am. Yet my brother-in-law is a pure Sephardi, all of his grandparents were born in Morocco and Algeria — and his skin colour is the same as mine. In any case Sephardim and Ashkenazim are genetically extremely closely related, almost indistinguishable on a population basis. Our closest genetic relatives among present ethnic groups are Greeks, southern Italians, Druze, Cypriots. Basically the peoples of the East Roman empire. The history is fascinating.

            I wish you a good week and a very happy New Year.

          5. MikhaelMeir Avatar

            re ” Let’s please move on from this Gluckel tangent because this is getting
            far from the original comment and its point — the point is that ~Not
            all Ashkenazim are White~”

            Okay. I know a few non-white Ashkenazim. That’s because they are children of biracial Jewish families. One family I know, the father is an Ashkenazi who married a Chinese-American woman who had a strict Orthodox conversion. The children are Ashkenazi, because they follow the father’s Litvish minhag and have a German-derived Ashkneazi-Jewish sounding last name –yet they are not “white”–they are Eurasian. Another Ashkneazi Jewish family I know, the father is an African-American convert with distant Ashkenazi Jewish descent (from Germany!)–his great, great grandfather moved to the deep South and married a black woman. He also has an Ashkenazi Jewish-sounding last name (Goldman) and he had an Orth. conversion and accepted Ashkenazi customs. He married a white Jewish Ashkenazi woman, and their children are not white AND Ashkenazi. Those are examples of Ashkenazim who are not white. When you are talking about the small minority of Spanish-Portuguese Sefaradi Jews whose ancestors settled in Germany, then you are talking about white people.

          6. Ed nCh Avatar
            Ed nCh

            I think you are at least partially right. I am a “real” German Jew, and yes, we have certain Sephardi Minhagim. My mother’s family still knew they came from Spain. I feel like I am fully both Sephardi and Ashkenazi and I identify with both. Everyone assumes I am Sephardi.

        3. TNS Avatar

          My background is Polish Jewish, but we were always told that my maternal grandfather’s ancestors came from Germany.

        4. MikhaelMeir Avatar

          Some Spanish-Portuguese Sefaradi Jews settled in what is now Germany (mostly Hamburg, which at the time was part of the Hanseatic League) after the 1492 Expulsion of Jews from Spain. They remained culturally distinct from other German Jews for centuries and maintained their own Sefaradi synagogues in Hamburg. Their traditions were *not* standard Yekke traditions. Of course, some of them inevitably married with and passed on some traits to other Ashkenazi (Yekke) Jews in Germany. Regardless of to what extent this occurred–the settlement of Spanish-Portuguese Jews in Germany is not the origin of Jews in Germany-because Jews had been settled in Germany centuries before. Many of these Spanish-Portuguese Jews also settled in England, Denmark, Holland, and New Amsterdam (today’s New York City). In the case of England, yes, they are the origin of the modern British-Jewish community since 1660 (although Ashkenazi Jews from France had been present and expelled in 1290), but they became a minority again when later waves of German and Eastern European Jewish immigrants moved to Britain too.

          When Jews were expelled from Germany in medieval times and settled in Poland and other Eastern European countries, not all of them left, many stayed. There were Jews in Bavaria and Prussia that had nothing to do with the Sefaradim who came from Spain/Portugal–they were Yekkes. German Jews started speaking standard German only after they were politically emancipated and given civic rights and started entering universities and the professions due to the German Haskala. Prior to that, they spoke Western Yiddish–die to the influence of people like Moses Mendelsohn they switched over to regular, standard German.

          You’re also continuing with the erroneous assertion that being Sefaradi means being a non-white.

    3. Agha Memnun Avatar
      Agha Memnun

      Most Ashkenazic Jews are white in the sense that Anatolian Greeks, Cypriot Greeks, Armenians, Lebanese, Assyrians, Kurds, and Azeris are white. Some fair, others olive, still within the “white” spectrum.

      1. Anon Avatar

        While in other countries the definitions are often different (I know here in the UK they are distinctly ethnic) in the USA being ‘white’ are those who have white privilege and not necessarily those who have pale pinkish skin. In the official statistics,, many North Africans and Arabs in the USA are also considered ‘white’ as there is no other category for them. Yes it is strange…

        1. nesne Avatar

          I think it is strange to not consider them white. Why do you do that in England?

        2. disqus_b8kS7fSVyW Avatar

          Actually Anon, they are still ‘white’ according to the census information, in fact I know someone who distinctly has pale skin and white privilege but she chooses to write in Jewish because she believes that it IS an ethnic group. Some Ashkenazi will identify as white even if they have darker skin and are considered ‘other’ in white British company. I don’t really dwell on how other people identify though, it is just nice to remind people that there are many of us that don’t fit that narrow ethnic group.

    4. MikhaelMeir Avatar

      I agree with your general point, that it’s a ridiculous stereotype to
      state that Ashkenazim are always lighter-skinned and Sefaradi/Mizrahi
      Jews always lighter-skinned, but I must quibble with several other
      erroneous assertions you’ve made. When you say ” Not all Ashkenazic Jews
      are White!” you certainly mean to say “Not all Ashkenazi Jews are
      fair-skinned”. Having a swarthy, olive-skinned complexion doesn’t
      automatically mean one is a non-white. Many southern Europeans (as well
      as Ashkenazi Jews) have this feature, I would hesitate to say that a
      dark-skinned Sicilian (bearing in mind that there are also many
      light-skinned Sicilians) is a non-white. Also, you incorrectly state :
      “German Jews (Yekkes) come from Spain and Portugal. They were refugees
      from the Spanish Inquisition.” This is false. The origin of
      German-Jewish, Ashkneazi (Yekke) culture is not in the Iberian
      Peninsula, but in the Rhineland. Some refugees from the Expulsion of
      Jews in Spain settled in Germany in the 1500s (mostly in Hamburg), and
      they maintained their Sefaradi traditions, others mixed with other Jews
      in Germany. You then go on to state: “Their descendants are still not
      “white” in the same manner that Eastern-European Ashkenazic Jews might
      present aesthetically.” Plenty of Eastern European Ashkenazi Jews are
      dark-skinned, many Sefaradi Jews (whether they settled in Germany or
      not) are light-skinned. You’re also making incredible generalizations.

      Are you talking about “nusakh” (prayer rite) or “minhag” (custom)?
      Morroccan Jewish nusakh is from Sefarad, which is said to originate from
      Babylonia, Yekke nusakh (if you are talking about nusakh ashkenaz, or
      prayer ritual), is said to derive from Eretz Yisrael. Some people claim
      the opposite, though. If you mean “minhag”, well, Yekke males
      traditionally put on a tallith after bar mitzvah (unlike other
      Ashkenazim, who wait until marriage), they have this in common with
      Sefaradim (including Morrrocans). On the other hand, bear in mind that
      Morroccan Jews are also a mix of those who are descended from the
      Spanish exiles who settled in Morrocco as well as earlier settlements of
      Jews, some of whom are descended from Berber converts.

      Also, you’re using the word “aesthetically” wrong. It means :
      “. a. relating to pure beauty rather than to other considerations
      b. artistic or relating to good taste: an aesthetic consideration”

      So when you say “present aestheticallY” maybe you mean “phenotypically”?

      1. Ma Nishtana Avatar
        Ma Nishtana

        or, like my german-african american wife, not all ashkenazis are white

    5. Lois Rubin Gross Avatar
      Lois Rubin Gross

      I just had my DNA run, last summer, and discovered that I have elements of Finnish and Asian heritage in my line. If you looked at my grandmother’s pictures, you’d swear she was Mongolian.

  5. james Avatar

    I am part Jewish. I have always known there are different races that represent the people of Israel. Just read the Bible to find that out.

    1. Flamilla Avatar

      If the “part” of you that’s Jewish comes from your mother’s mother, then you’re not just “part” Jewish, you’re 100% Jewish 🙂

      1. james Avatar

        It is on my Mother’s side. My great grandma was a Jewish convert to Presbyterianism and my great-great grandma was a Frazier from Wales.So ethnically speaking I am at least 20%. I also likely have some Sephardic roots on my dad’s side as their is a Southern European Jewish custom done in my family at weddings. Although my dad’s roots are very deep compared to my mom. My mother did not even tell me or any of my siblings about our Jewish roots until I was in my early 20s. It was kept a secret for some reason. I was told it was fear because we lived in a rural area in the South and there was fear of ignorant people doing things to us. Since, I found this out I have refused to deny this part of my heritage. I guess if I am considered Jewish I might as well embrace it period!!!!

        1. Flamilla Avatar

          Amazing! Take a look at aish.com or chabad.org to learn more about your heritage, your holidays, and amazing perspectives on life that are all a part of being Jewish. Mazel tov!

  6. Ra'anan Avatar

    I remember once when an American or British gentile interviewed Idan Raichel online. If you don’t know who he is, google him & better yet listen to his song “Boo-ee.” Anyway, the interviewer referred to Idan as “white” & I remember the way that Idan stumbled trying to understand what the guy meant. “Whiteness” isn’t really a parameter in Israel as it in the social constructs of a lot of America. Here there are very dark-complexioned Polish Jews & very light Ethiopian Jews. Ashkenazim are the great majority of Jewish population on the planet, but that’s really evening out through attrition because of Ashkenazi intermarriage w/gentiles. Complexion in Israel isn’t really an issue, but cultural points of view are & they can be very strong. I remember down right UGLINESS that existed when I first visited Israel in ’77 because some ethnic groups simply couldn’t understand how other ethnic groups could behave differently that themselves. Now these former exiles have become used to each other & everyone here has become more Middle Eastern in mentality, though ethnic groups still maintain different world views. I’ll never forget an intense, but fun, discourse between a Persian kid who was more mystically bent & the son of American Ashkenazim who was a rationalist. They were friends, they’d listen to each other, but neither one would bend. And you know what, it doesn’t make a difference & that’s a difference in WORLD VIEW which is far more important than their mere different appearances, the Persian w/his thick black curls & light-complexion & the American w/HUGE muscles & beautiful, soft, deep blue eyes. The most exotic wedding I’d ever attended was a Benai Menashe bride from the Indian-Burma border area w/a groom from Kenya w/a Bukharith mother (he looked like OJ Simpson, lehavdil).

  7. Sara Meira Tovar Avatar
    Sara Meira Tovar

    For your information and a more accurate post, or future posts. There is a HUGE LATIN JEWISH COMMUNITY. And I’m part of it. Just saying.

    1. Elad Nehorai Avatar

      Ah! Good call! Will have to do a followup post I guess!

      1. RR Anduxar Avatar
        RR Anduxar

        I was about to say! My entire Jewish family from Spain and all the ones who live in the Caribbean! We count too and we are a MEGA HUGE community!

        1. HP Avatar

          We are Jewish, You are not…We are MEGA HUGE SUPER-etc, and You are not…those thinking bring Wars…

          1. glerm Avatar

            Um nobody said anything negative or even brought up people who are not Jewish. And saying ‘mega’ means a large number, it doesnt denote any privleged thinking. This article is saying people shouldn’t judge us based on their stereotypical views and your comment is doing just that. THAT’S the thinking that brings wars.

    2. Carlos Augusto Diaz Avatar
      Carlos Augusto Diaz

      There wasa group of Sefarditas in Miami that used to get toguether on every shabbat, but it desintegrate, I find the stereotype here all the time even among jews….

    3. Lexie Eskenazi-Rindler Avatar
      Lexie Eskenazi-Rindler


    4. Vera Morgan Avatar
      Vera Morgan

      I have just found the right one and the greatest spell caster on earth who has brought back my happiness and turned my world around by helping me get my ex partner and helped me get back my life cause i was totally frustrated after 6years of hardship and pain, a friend of mine buzz me on my email saying i should cheer up cause solution has come. At first i was like what are you saying, then she mentioned the name ‘EBOEHI’ and i must thank my savior Great DR EBOEHI who has play a very vital part of my life making me a great person and the most happiest person today you are a great man who is bless by powers with traditional healing spell caster, after Great DR EBOEHI has help me get my ex back he also help me recover what i have lost in past years i must thank him (Great DR EBOEHI) the life he has restored back for me and my happiness. Now i am doing well in my work and also with my partner, Great DR EBOEHI is a very great spell caster you need to know just meet him and with your problem and it will be over.. Email him via: (supernaturalspelltemple@gmail.com)

    5. Bee Avatar

      For future reference:
      Actors of fully Jewish background: -Logan Lerman,
      Natalie Portman, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Mila Kunis, Bar Refaeli, James Wolk,
      Julian Morris, Esti Ginzburg, Kat Dennings, Erin Heatherton, Odeya Rush, Anton
      Yelchin, Paul Rudd, Scott Mechlowicz, Lizzy Caplan, Emmanuelle Chriqui, Gal
      Gadot, Robert Kazinsky, Melanie Laurent, Marla Sokoloff, Shiri Appleby, Justin
      Bartha, Adam Brody, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Gabriel Macht, Halston Sage, Seth

      Actors with Jewish mothers and non-Jewish fathers -Jake Gyllenhaal, Dave
      Franco, Scarlett Johansson, Daniel Radcliffe, Alison Brie, Eva Green, Emmy
      Rossum, Jennifer Connelly, Eric Dane, Jeremy Jordan, Joel Kinnaman.

      Actors with Jewish fathers and non-Jewish mothers, who themselves were either
      raised as Jews and/or identify as Jews: -Andrew Garfield, Ezra Miller, Gwyneth
      Paltrow, Alexa Davalos, Nat Wolff, James Maslow, Josh Bowman, Ben Foster, Nikki
      Reed, Zac Efron.

      Actors with one Jewish-born parent and one parent who converted to Judaism
      -Dianna Agron, Sara Paxton (whose father converted, not her mother), Alicia
      Silverstone, Jamie-Lynn Sigler.

      1. Shais Rishon Avatar
        Shais Rishon

        you missed lisa bonet, lenny kravitz, zoe kravitz, rashida jones, liz cho, tracee ellis ross, lauren london, drake, kali hawk, kat graham among others

  8. Akiva Landsman Avatar
    Akiva Landsman

    I appreciate this post, helps broaden our horizons. I wanted to point out a nuance in this post. We can value awareness of the ethnic diversity within our people to breakdown unrealistic expectations of:
    a) what the people around us should look and
    b) what we should look like as individuals.
    So many Jews today complement their religious lives by reading non-Jewish sources of inspiration and they should be more open about it. Just as the Rasta and Dervish Jews above are seen as authentic, so too are these soul-searching religious Jews authentic. I think the assimilation scare has made us a little flighty when it comes to inspiration from outside the cannon.

    1. Zvi Zimri Avatar
      Zvi Zimri

      How about reading the Jewish pseudepigrapha and Apocrypha for this purpose first and foremost?

  9. Ian Osmond Avatar
    Ian Osmond

    I used to be a Hebrew school teacher, and a parent came to us the summer before enrolling his son, worried that there would be some awkwardness about his son being Black.

    I blinked a couple times, and told him, “I don’t think it will be an issue. Out of twelve kids, your son’s class has two Chinese kids, one Hispanic kid, and one other Black kid besides him.”

    Heck, you can see that I’ve got the oh-so-Jewish name of “Ian Osmond”. One of my sister’s Hebrew School friends when she was a kid was “Leigh O’Sullivan.” To my ear, “O’Sullivan” and “Osmond” are Jewish names.

    1. Alisha Pinksta Avatar
      Alisha Pinksta

      Where is this school located? I am interested

      1. Ian Osmond Avatar
        Ian Osmond

        Temple B’nai Brith of Somerville, outside of Boston, Massachusetts. It’s a community that tends to get a lot of people for whom Judaism is deeply important, but who somehow feel awkward in other Jewish communities, I guess. We’ve got a fairly high number of intermarriages, converts, and adoptions, which is one of the reasons that we’re not 100% Caucasian, although not the only reason — there are plenty of people who aren’t white whose families have been Jewish for as far back as anybody could track, probably the Diaspora.

        1. Kelli Kercheville Theis Avatar
          Kelli Kercheville Theis

          My synagogue in Denver is very similar to what you’re describing and I believe we are richer for it! Several years ago I noticed that the pictures coming back from my kids’ Jewish summer camp featured campers (probably adopted) who certainly didn’t look like they came from Eastern or Western Europe! Yay.

          1. Abram Avatar

            May have something to do with Jews being from Judea/Israel 😛 Good for all you guys!

        2. nesne Avatar

          not to pick bones but being hispanic doesn’t mean one isn’t also 100% Caucasian.

          1. Ian Osmond Avatar
            Ian Osmond

            Excellent point — and, for that matter, given that Sephardic Judaism is FROM Spain, and Argentina has one of the world’s largest populations of Jews.

            But, yeah. That’s a good point. “Hispanic” isn’t a skin color — it’s kind of more of a cultural identifier. You can be Hispanic AND Caucasian, or Black, or Amerindian, or whatever.

          2. alexandre1 Avatar

            Argentina’s Jews did not come from Spain but from Russia in the 19th century, long after Argentina’s independence from Spain. The Jewish link with Spain was broken in 1492 when they were expelled – so the Spain that conquered South America had few practising Jews (although many Spaniards have Jewish descent because their ancestors converted to Christianity)

    2. Ceci Pipe Avatar
      Ceci Pipe

      O’Sullivan is an Irish origin name, while Osmond is Old English. Or at least the English version of Old English/Icelandic/etc names.

    3. Lois Rubin Gross Avatar
      Lois Rubin Gross

      Reminds me of my father’s favorite joke about Sean Ferguson.

      1. Ian Osmond Avatar
        Ian Osmond

        When my grandfather told me that joke, I totally didn’t get it. He had to back up and explain the concept of Jewish names. I also didn’t speak Yiddish — he grew up with both Yiddish and English as his native languages, and HIS parents were fluent in English, Russian, and Yiddish, even if they had accents.

        But, yeah, my response was a blank look, and my response to the explanation of the joke was “… my last name is Osmond …”

        Most of the rest of his jokes were funny, though, and I learned a bunch of barbershop quartet drinking songs from him. Thank you for triggering a pleasant trip down memory lane!!

  10. jbandsma Avatar

    Charleston, SC had for many years a police chief by the name of Reuben Greenberg, an African-American Jew. Wake up call in the south in many, many ways. An LA headline about him; “A Black, Jewish, Roller-Skating Cop Brings A New Way to Fight Crime to the Old South.”

    1. Michael A. Bedar Avatar
      Michael A. Bedar

      I used to see him and his family during prayers.

    2. Tim Johnston Avatar
      Tim Johnston

      Yes! I knew and loved Ruben. And he used to attend a dear friend’s seder…

  11. alltumbledown Avatar

    Just a point of clarification: Bukharian Jews are not Russian. They were under Soviet rule in the 20th century, but have a history stretching back centuries earlier with no Russian contact whatsoever.

    1. Elad Nehorai Avatar

      Good call. Cut out the mention of Russia.

  12. Kevin Яoss Avatar
    Kevin Яoss

    my people as many coloirs as josepths cost

    1. Marie Fischer Avatar
      Marie Fischer


    2. ItsJustTed Avatar

      Nicely said…

  13. Bat Ya Avatar
    Bat Ya

    Judaism is not a specific people. It is religion. It is a religion,
    not bound by region, history, land, language or skin color. It is the
    beauty of God’s word and God’s people. Wouldn’t trade it for anything
    in the world!
    Mi Ka’Amcha Yisrael – Am Yisrael Chai!

    1. ThatGuyPosting Avatar

      Well, it is a specific people, it is tied to a particular land and region, and it does have a unifying history and central language….

      But no, there is no specific skin color.

    2. Zvi Zimri Avatar
      Zvi Zimri

      I echo ThatGuyPosting who has corrected you and have also thumbed down your comment in the hopes of counterbalancing the lingering damage of misconception caused by the misguided conviction you have expressed.

  14. Shevamyshtub Avatar

    On the other side my husband is Sephardi but looks “white” and is regularly shunned in the Sephardi community. His family is from Turkey and they happen to be blonde. All my kids are blonde and blue eyes ( that btw is from my husband side, my Ashkenazi side is very dark). My husband feels he has to constantly prove his heritage and we have actually been kicked out of a Sephardi Shul.

    1. Elad Nehorai Avatar

      Wow. Just goes to show that even prejudice is diverse.

    2. Claude Diamond Avatar
      Claude Diamond

      Consider yourself lucky. I would not want to belong to Shul that discriminated against heritage,skin color,sexual orientation or anything else.

    3. Yonatan ben David Avatar
      Yonatan ben David

      wow that is insane and utterly ridicules.

    4. Yehudit Rouzaud Avatar
      Yehudit Rouzaud

      Lots of that stupidity. My neighbors (Moroccan) have a lot of fun with it. The wife is a whitebread christian convert who looks sephardic. The husband is stocky, blond and blue-eyed and is purely Moroccan. He has fun with an accent that makes him sound like he swallowed a Hungarian or Romanian and then breaks out into pure Moroccan chazzanut. Made people’s eyes cross until they all got to know him (Beit Shemesh is too small a town for him to keep pulling the same prank except on newcomers). Another friend of mine is a Teimani with a British mother. Loves letting people get into their preconceptions about him and then answering them in beautiful upper-class British. As does another friend who blew away a busload of tourists photographing the quaint “old Halabi chacham (well he is, by anscestry)” by chatting them up in a flat midwestern (Ohio graduate of Telshe Yeshiva and Kollel) accent. Not much better for me. People ask me when I converted (I didn’t but I have light skin, hair and eyes like my maternal Grandfather, nicknamed “the Swede” who didn’t convert either). They also see the headcovering and I get complimented on how well I speak English (born and grew up in the US) or how educated I sound..

    5. Jens Juhl Avatar
      Jens Juhl

      My Israeli friends laugh when I mention that I’m Sephardic. They say it isn’t possible, that my skin is too “yellow.” It happened just yesterday when i was asked “what kind of a Jew doesn’t like lox?” Then I tell them that on my maternal line (the only Jewish part after my ancestors were forced to convert) it is all Libyan, morrocan, and Tunisian. They are stunned, but don’t question it too much.

      Racism of different kinds is all around. B’H we are all different!

      1. NukeWaste Avatar

        You don’t like lox? So what? Do you like ice cream? That is more important.

  15. Brian Hutchison Avatar
    Brian Hutchison

    Wow, I met the couple from the #8 when I was studying at Yeshiva Tiferes Bachurim in Morristown, NJ. They were awesome people, and I wish I could get in touch with them again! Zehava made the best cholent I’ve ever had, and she made an amazing chicken adobo for a Shabbos that I was invited to their home.

    1. Zehava Bracha Arky Avatar
      Zehava Bracha Arky

      Come visit!!

    2. Mae Avatar

      I’m close to Morristown! In my little town of Hiighland Park, NJ (which has a large Jewish community) there are several non-white Jews in our congregations, including East Asian American, Ethiopian-Americans, African-Americans, and others which I do not know. I think that it’s important for people to know that not all Jews are white and that’s it’s full of different races because someone should not get a weird or skeptical look or be shunned for stating that they are Jewish.

  16. Liz Avatar

    I have a great photo of my grandmother’s Turkish/Bulgarian (Jewish) predecessors dressed in burkas as a group ‘joke’ picture. It’s black and white and none of them are smiling, but I love that they were playing around back then.

  17. Ruthann Richter Avatar
    Ruthann Richter

    I had never thought of Jewish people as being white since Jesus was not white nor black but more Arab in features. From the part of the world he was born into. I always had thought that Jewish was more of a religion than a people. In the united states most people of the Jewish faith are from Europe and are white but those who know anything at all about the bible would also know otherwise. No one should ever throw everyone into one particular category, we are all different but the one thing we all can have in common is our love for mankind and our faith in God.

    1. Agha Memnun Avatar
      Agha Memnun

      “Arab” is not a race. An Arab may be naturally blonde-haired blue-eyed (not necessarily because of “Crusaders”, as “whites” have been migrating/invading/coming as slaves to MENA from time immemorial), olive-skinned, or black African. Many, if not most “Arabs”, are actually people whose ancestors were culturally-Arabized during and after the Arab Muslim conquests that began in the 630s. Furthermore, the settled populations of the Levant, Mesopotamia, and certainly North Africa were not “Arab” in any sense before the Arab conquest, with the exception of small tribal confederations in the desert that later served as vassals of the decaying Byzantine and Sassanid empires. During Jesus’ time, an inhabitant of Judea was not an “Arab” unless he was a Nabataean or Idumaean–and that only in the broadest sense. Nor did an inhabitant of Judea look like an “Arab”, as there is no one single Arab look, contrary to popular misconception.

      1. Elias de Souza Avatar
        Elias de Souza

        In ancient portrayals, Jesus is always presented as light-brown, dark-eyed with black hair. It was with the ascension of the racialist theories that Jesus began to be portrayed as a northern European man. Nothern European looks have always been uncommon in the middle east. If Jesus existed, there is a much higher possibility of him being light brown with a long nose and wavy black hair than German looking.

        1. Agha Memnun Avatar
          Agha Memnun

          He would have been olive-skinned, certainly. But if olive-skinned is not white, then southern Europe and parts of Eastern Europe are not white. As for long noses, travel across Europe sometime.

          1. Elias de Souza Avatar
            Elias de Souza

            I agree with you, but in the US when they say Jesus was “white” they mean “Jesus was northern European looking”, which is laughable. If you call a light brown Caucasian white, then yes, he was white.

    2. Flamilla Avatar

      “Jewish” is a nationality, race, and religion. It’s also apparently a loaf of rye!

      1. trudat2 Avatar

        that’s ‘a loafer wry’ too.

  18. Michael Strum Avatar
    Michael Strum

    Something you can add to your followup post. I have gone to many a concert in my day and all of them Heavy Metal (and I mean bands like lamb of god and in flames). I have discovered that there is a nice mix (albeit small) of Orthodox Jews as well as non religious Jews that love this type of music. When people see me they assume I listen to Jewish music only. I just love the intensity of HM. Anyway, just wanted to add something too it!

  19. olga putney Avatar
    olga putney

    When the tribe of Judah was dispersed, most of them went to Spain. Unfortunately, because of the inquisition they either changed their last names to a Christian last name
    but added “ez” at the end to be able to recognize each other in future generations. Other Jews dispersed to Argentina, Mexico, Chile, etc. There is a beautiful spectrum of colors, and features that we as Hispanics add to the Jewish Community.

  20. mikep1738 Avatar

    Wow! Not only a fascinating post but also many interesting comments. Thanks to all the people who took the time to share their thoughts about these photos.

  21. […] western mindset that needs to be broken… and that is what "Jewish" person looks like… 10 Photos To Remind You That Jews Don't Fit Into A Stereotype (And Never Have) | Pop Chassid __________________ But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of […]

  22. Marc Dufour Avatar
    Marc Dufour

    Here’s an ad that was plastered in a local bakery chain some 30-40 years ago:


  23. sunshineday1 Avatar

    Black, Chinese, convert -who cares, its all good! Beautiful pictures. Beautiful rainbow of a culture

  24. Toranosuke Avatar

    Thanks for including the Chinese Jews! I happen to be white, Ashkenazi, nerdy, from Long Island, but, when I lived in Hawaii, I met lots of Jews who were Japanese, or half-Chinese, or the like.

  25. […] This post was fully inspired by another post I have seen. The post was made by a religious Sephardic Jew trying to address western stereotypes regarding Jews. (Click here to see this post) […]

  26. […] This post was fully inspired by another post I have seen. The post was made by a religious Sephardic Jew trying to address western stereotypes regarding Jews. (Click here to see this post) […]

  27. […] This post was inspired by another post I have seen. The post was made by a religious Sephardic Jew trying to address western stereotypes regarding Jews. (Click here to see this post) […]

  28. […] 10 Photos to Remind You That Jews Don’t Fit Into a Stereotype (And Never Have) […]

  29. Gerald Chernicoff Avatar
    Gerald Chernicoff

    very cool..

  30. […] Not Fitting Into Stereotypes. Given I just mentioned names, I’m sure if I gave you a particular last name — Schwartz, Cohen, Abramowitz — you would think “Jewish”. But that’s a stereotype, and Jews just don’t fit your stereotypes. Here are 10 photos to remind you of that. […]

  31. […] This post was inspired by another post I have seen. The post was made by a religious Sephardic Jew trying to address western stereotypes regarding Jews. (Click here to see this post) […]

  32. chaimk Avatar

    “The Last Jews in Iraq, circa 1908-1910” see Wikipedia’s entry “History of the Jews in Iraq”: “Between 1948 and 1951 121,633 Jews left the country, leaving 15,000 behind.”

  33. Keven Mangalum Avatar

    Like i always said Jews from many colors give birth to rainbow.

  34. Alisha Browne-Wint Avatar
    Alisha Browne-Wint

    I feel so proud to read this as I too am a jew of colour with a huge tapestry of cultures behind me that lead to who and what i am ..
    .. I love it!

  35. Martin Avatar

    I’m just wondering….but if anyone knows please share……At one point in time, Spain had the largest Jewish community in the world, but because of the Spanish inquisition, many of Spain’s Jews either fled to other European countries or to Spain’s faraway and vast colonies in the Americas after “converting” to Catholicism, even though they secretly continued to practice Judaism for some generations after relocating. In many cases Jewish families that emigrated to Latin America simply stopped this hidden activity and altogether forgot about their heritage with the passsage of time. I am interested in knowing what percentage of present day Latin Americans are estimated to be descend from these “converted” Jews from colonial times that have been lost to history???? I have heard the number would be ASTRONOMICAL. Also, if DNA tests and studies demonstrated that a vast number of Latin Americans (who might not even know they descend from Jews) were Jewish by blood, could they potentially claim a right to become Israeli citizens and move to Israel? Even if they and their families haven’t practiced Judaism in generations, possibly centuries? They obviously don’t practice because their ancestors were persecuted and made to convert under coercion. Thanks!

    1. Clark Mitrani Avatar
      Clark Mitrani

      Hi, I’m from Peru and I can tell you, Israel discover 2 Jews communities very deep in the Andes (celendin, cajamarca) and a small one in Loreto (Amazons) the first Spanish to came to south america was Colon but the crew was people who was in jail, and most of them was Jews who was in jail, we have in the north of Peru very old last names like benzaquen or abakuq these are Hebrew last names.

  36. Lilly Sanovia Avatar

    well done and thank you!

  37. Yossi Jeff Brochstein Avatar
    Yossi Jeff Brochstein

    Hollywood/Jewish progressives can be blamed for the typecasting Jews as the schlemiel/Woody Allen/Jerry Seinfeld/Larry David/wimp type….it fits their and others’ narrative. Jews who made it big in this country come from a long line of those who suffered pogroms, were beaten and killed in Europe and who came to believed it was a scourge to be Jewish. Be a Jew was ok…being Jewish invited trouble. It is always funny speaking to American Jews who visit Israel for the first time who discover that the country is 70% non- Ashkenazim…

    1. Isaac Der3i Avatar
      Isaac Der3i

      Seinfeld’s mother is Syrian Jewish. Plenty of ashkenazi jews are dark skinned. Jeff Goldblum. How is he ‘whiter’ than syrian jews? He is olive skinned, has middle eastern features. Plenty of syrian jews are much whiter in color than he is. Some syrian jews have blue eyes and red or blonde hair. Even the darker ones look exactly the same as the stereotypical ashkenazi like david krumholtz. They are the same race. Minhag doesn’t determine race or color. If Krumholtz’s surname was ‘Dweck’ or ‘Mizrahi’, he would no doubt be labeled as a ‘jew of color’ by most people. Same with goldblum, or eugene levy.

  38. Moroccan Avatar

    This polychromy in part explains why Judaism is transmitted by mother bloodline. Due to violence, prosecution, pogroms and of course, rape, you always knew who the mother was, but sometimes could not guarantee who the father was.

  39. […] Jew trying to address western stereotypes regarding Jews. (Click here to see this <a href=”http://popchassid.com/10-photos-to-remind-you-that-jews-dont-fit-into-a-stereotype-and-never-have/&#&#8230;;) <br /><br />I am a Chinese American who was born in China. My grandmother was a […]

  40. […] This post was inspired by another post I have seen. The post was made by a religious Sephardic Jew trying to address western stereotypes regarding Jews. (Click here to see this post) […]

  41. […] Via Pop Chassid: 10 Photos To Remind You That Jews Don’t Fit Into a Stereotype and Never Have […]

  42. Mighty Mouse Avatar
    Mighty Mouse

    very nice reading these posts today…Happy New Year to all…Tikkum Olam

  43. nelsoneas Avatar

    Aw man, you missed the funnest and friendliest bunch of Jews on the planet, the reggaeton and merengue dancing LATIN JEWS of Panama, Venezuela, Miami (Aventura), and other Latin American countries, who also come in all colors product of a Sephardic-Ashkenaz mix, but most importantly, who are some of the coolest Jews, suave and sexy, quite the opposite of the nerdy-looking Woody Allen stereotype.

  44. Vicki Aber Avatar
    Vicki Aber

    My daughters are African-American and Polish-Russian Jewish. I am Catholic and from the southern U. S. My husband, may he always be remembered, was Jewish and from New York. My daughters have always been taught to be respectful of differences while also embracing their heritage.. My biracial daughters are sensitive to my practices and to the traditions of their father. Ethnically, they have genes and features of European and African-American peoples as well as the cultural and historical backgrounds of their parents. They will contribute a vastly different point of view than either their father or I could ever contribute to the discourse on race, culture, and religion.

  45. SHI Avatar

    Lovely piece – but this is very old news guys…get with the times lol…all you have to do is visit Israel once and see the beautiful mix of different people. Sat bye bye to your self-inflicted paranoia

    1. Lana Avatar

      Totally agree with SHI! Never felt or experienced the stereotypes. Maybe you should head to Israel where it is the most diverse country you will find.

  46. Lana Avatar

    Great that you post an article but don’t want to hear the other POV- very ironic indeed!

  47. Josh Tenenbaum Avatar
    Josh Tenenbaum

    well.. I think the stereotype is much more prevalent in the non-jewish world… Also I really don’t think it’s fair to pull woody allen into this and basically state that he endorses stereotyping. He’s a comedian and a satirist, and everything he does is to make fun of the norms of society and question them. You have poorly represented a proponent and valuable member of the community for no reason. While I don’t hold this stereotype as a truth for myself, I must say I was surprised to see jews from china and india – mostly because I didn’t know any western religion really found a foothold there in asia

  48. Andio Avatar

    I think you should have included Mirra Alfassa, or “The Mother,” as she is known, who was the wife and spiritual collaborator of Sri Aurobindo, a famous Indian Philosopher/Leader/Thinker. She was born in France to Turkish-Jewish and Egyptian-Jewish parents. If she doesn’t break the Jewish Stereotype, then who does?

  49. […] As each of us considers our Jewish identity at this intense season of Jewish community, our DiveRSity group at Rodeph Shalom has been thinking about the diverse nature of our Jewish community and how we can help everyone to feel welcome at RS regardless of race, sexuality, and gender among other identities.  We explored these issues this spring with our Philadelphia Museum of Jewish Art exhibit “Mis/Constructed Identities: Exploring Jewish Stereotypes.”  Here’s another compelling approach: 10 Photos To Remind You That Jews Don’t Fit into a Stereotype (And Never Have). […]

  50. Jasmine Robinson Avatar
    Jasmine Robinson

    Whenever I feel upset because I have to field yet another question of “well HOW are you Jewish?” I look at this post and I feel so good. It honestly made me cry when I first read it because I grew up where no one looked like me and was Jewish. And even now that’s something I have to face because I don’t know any black Jews. But it’s so comforting to know there are others, and they’re out there. And there are people that are willing to make sure the world knows it. I can’t even begin to explain how good and happy that makes me feel.

  51. Tristram Avatar

    “These men and women come from a community of Chinese people who have identified as Jewish for generations. However, because they passed Judaism through the father, when they decided to make Aliyah, Israel wouldn’t allow them to come without converting.”

    That’s not beautiful, that’s utterly odious. If any other “first world” nation imposed such discriminatory immigration requirements there would be outrage.

    1. Whh Avatar

      Tell me, when someone wants to live and obtain citizenship from France, UK or even an immigrant country like australia, they need to speak french, english or whatever and pass a citizenship test with X yaers residing in that country … Here is the same but less complex, and less racist, they only have to convert (not even speak hebrew or live in Israel x years, etc ) So nothing racist at all, is integrating new immigrants and giving them the citizenship since arrival.

      If any other “first world” nation gave citizenship since arrival …

    2. Yehudit Rouzaud Avatar
      Yehudit Rouzaud

      There are a number of communities that had that problem, not just Jews of color. Halacha is colorblind and the matrilineal precedent comes from the time in the desert and applies uniformly whatever community you come from. Same problems for Jews from Soviet, South American and French communities as it was for Indian, Chines and African communities. Not always convenient. But nessecary and has worked well since the precedent was established. Once its sorted and you are Jewish you are just as Jewish as anyone else.

  52. ItsJustTed Avatar

    Rastaboy Raslion. Awesome

  53. rubenburke Avatar

    I’m glad I saw this I new the term jews was more than what people are saying and now I have proof.

  54. Karen Avatar

    I’m sure Obama would like to get a comprehensive list of all the jews living everywhere. Call me cautious but once burned… twice…etc.

  55. Dani Avatar

    Kaifeng, Henan, China

    Most scholars agree that a Jewish community has existed in Kaifeng since the Northern Song Dynasty (960–1127), though some date their arrival to the Tang Dynasty (618-907) or earlier.[1] Kaifeng, then the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty, was a cosmopolitan city on a branch of the Silk Road. It is surmised that a small community of Jews, most likely from Persia or India, arrived either overland or by a sea route, and settled in the city.[2] In 1163 they built a synagogue surrounded by a study hall, a ritual bath, a communal kitchen, a kosher butchering facility, and a sukkah.[3] The synagogue, known as Temple of Purity and Goodness, was destroyed by fire and floods, and restored several times. After a flood in 1852, it
    remained in ruins. [4]
    During the Ming Dynasty (1368–1644), a Ming emperor conferred seven surnames upon the Jews, by which they are identifiable today: Ai (艾), Shi (石), Gao (高), Jin (金), Li (李), Zhang (張), and Zhao (趙); these were phonetic approximations of the common Jewish names Ezra, Shimon, Cohen, Gilbert, Levy, Joshua, and Jonathan respectively.

    and Pearl S. Buck even wrote about it in “Peony.”


  56. Dani Avatar

    Africa | A Jewish woman from the Dades Valley wearing the characteristic
    Skoura headdress. Morocco. ca. 1935. | © Jean Besancenot

  57. Josh Avatar

    I have worked with Jewish teens for over 10 years. One of my favorite teachable moments was at the JCC Maccabi games. One of the Metro teams had a few teens who were not white. After some of the white teens started rumors that these other teens weren’t Jewish, we had a hole session on the face of Judaism and what do Jewish teens look like. Great program and it certainly got the point across.

  58. Keith Koonin Avatar
    Keith Koonin

    Search Google for Angela Buchdahl the Korean American rabbi

  59. Keith Koonin Avatar
    Keith Koonin

    Check out the Lemba people of South Africa


  60. NZ Avatar

    I really like your blog, thank you for your clear view and thoughts.

    This one is very interesting for me too, but I wondered why the colors on the #2 picture are jewish’s? They’re all from Uzbekistan’s traditional colors, from their national costumes with the fragments of their national ornaments…

  61. Jaybird248 Avatar

    My dad’s Columbia University area jewelry store was often visited by Ethiopian Jews, who stood 6 1/2 feet tall, were black as black could be, and wore large Jewish star emblems around their necks.

    1. Halliburton Jones Avatar
      Halliburton Jones

      Those BLACK as night jews are in the back pockets of the white jew that CONTROLS everything, PATHETIC!

  62. Jerri Schwartz-Reich Avatar
    Jerri Schwartz-Reich

    My maternal grandfather was an Argentine Jew originally from Spain and one of my maternal grandfathers was an Iranian (we think) Jew. There was some speculation that he was Muslum but fell in love with my spicy red headed Jewish Great Grandmother.

    1. Halliburton Jones Avatar
      Halliburton Jones

      Red Haired jew = Devils in disguise

      JEWS are a disgusting piece of filth that the ALL MIGHTY should have destroyed many centuries ago.

  63. […] In Our School Director When you think of a Jew, what image comes into your mind? These ten photos might surprise you. These Jewish people break every stereotype. Take my daughter, Melania. As a four year-old, Melania […]

  64. shera87 Avatar

    Recently I was extremely low on money and debts were eating me from all sides! That was UNTIL I decided to make money on the internet! I went to surveymoneymaker dot net, and started filling in surveys for cash, and surely I’ve been far more able to pay my bills! I’m so glad, I did this!! – dl2e

  65. Robert Feinberg Avatar
    Robert Feinberg

    I am a secular Jew of German-Lithuanian descent. And even though we abandoned our religion and culture by 1930, we are still the elite of world Jewry.

    1. Halliburton Jones Avatar
      Halliburton Jones

      Jew = beady eyes, grotesque nose and ears, compact head and all this sits on a big body. The jews are the envy of the WHITE man. LMAO

      Lucifer is supposed to be beautiful like the WHITE EUROPEAN.

      (GOAT)Satan is the jews father.

    2. Hadara S. Avatar
      Hadara S.

      I’m not sure what you mean.

  66. Anna Avatar

    Thank you for sharing this project.

    I have experienced the opposite from you. I am a fair skinned blonde Jew with colored eyes (green or hazel, everyone is always in disagreement about my eye color). I spent a lot of time in Europe and I could not believe the ignorance some people had about Jews. I have been told that I cannot be Jewish because I don’t look like an “Arab” or I look “Scandinavian.” This is ridiculous. I have explained to these people that Jews are of many colors and have blonde hair, black hair, red hair etc.

  67. johnsmith12489 . Avatar
    johnsmith12489 .

    I have met JEWS from United States to Mexico all the way to south america. Jews come in different colors and come from different countries like middle east, Ethiopia, and Russia and China too.

    1. Halliburton Jones Avatar
      Halliburton Jones

      Those same jews were also kicked out of every country that you have seen them in today 😉

      The letter “J” didn’t enter the English letter system until the 14th century.

  68. Tom Dikel Avatar
    Tom Dikel

    Our henna ceremony before the wedding – in Jerusalem. Yemenite Jewish tradition.

    1. Elad Nehorai Avatar

      Wow! Can you provide me with any more details about this?

      1. Ra'anan Avatar

        In a nutshell, “Hina” is the pre-canopy marriage ceremony where Jewish brides dress themselves in the 24 jewels (Isaiah 3), put hina/kofer on their palms (Song of Song 1:14) & cover their nails in red polish to prevent Adam’s first “wife” from seeking revenge. What that really means is far, far, far deeper. Let’s just say it goes back to Adam & Eve. Today these customs are mostly kept just by many Yemenite brides like the one above, though other non-Ashkenazic Jewish brides have “lighter” versions. I researched this heavily for about 3 years so if you want more information, look me up online.

  69. Hunter Lane Gray Avatar
    Hunter Lane Gray

    That group of Jewish women looked rather stereotypical to me.

  70. DXRD620 . Avatar
    DXRD620 .

    LOL before posting things like that as “facts” you should have read some background material – Genetic studies on Jews concluded that the VAST MAJORITY of the world’s Jewry are descended from the Ancient Hebrews/Israelites, which were Canaanites themselves – all these means that Jews (who strictly kept marrying inside their own community even during the 2,700 total years of exile from the Land of Israel) should have a typical look since they are SEMITES and therefore should have SEMITIC appearance. The Ethiopians and Chinese Jews looks different than the other Jews (Sephardic, Ashkenazi, Mizrahi etc.) since they have higher admixture level with their fellow non-Jews in the Diaspora, conversion to both sides (in Ethiopia local men & women converted into Judaism and married the original Jewish exiles who arrived there, and in China there was an assimilation of Jews into the general Chinese society). Those events took place in all sorts of Diasporas as well, however in drastically lower amounts.

    1. Elad Nehorai Avatar

      What on earth is the point of this comment?

      1. DXRD620 . Avatar
        DXRD620 .

        Preventing worthless spam… hahem, like urs…hahem.

    2. Ra'anan Avatar

      Today’s Jewry shares most dna w/Kurds from which Abraham came & NOT w/Cana’anites. Ethiopians in general share 50% Syria, Israel & Egyptian dna & 50% sub-Saharan dna (apparently a result of King Solomon’s sending troops to Queen Sheba). The male Ethiopian dna has a different origin than their female dna. All Jewry has between 3-6% sub-Saharan dna, some Yemenites have up to 30% sub-Saharan dna. Interestingly, despite the close distance, Yemenites & Ethiopians share no dna. DXRD620, I think that you are only theorizing because research goes completely against your ideas.

      1. Adam Avatar

        Obviously, you have missed the point of this post, Ra’anan.

        How do you account for Jewish converts who have no sub-Saharan ancestry? Oh, wait, from this comment I’d bet you ignore their existence.

        1. Ra'anan Avatar

          Good question. IF I remember correctly, The samples for Jewish dna had to have 4 Jewish grandparents. Why would you I ignore the existence of converts to Judaism? In fact, the female Ethiopians seem to have been converts as I’ve implied above. Should I say you’ve missed the point?

      2. DXRD620 . Avatar
        DXRD620 .

        Before you bullcrap, learn the facts – Jews are Canaanites: http://t.co/PFIbYibwyM The truth is here: Hebrews/Israelites/Judeans/Jews&Samaritans are Canaanites!
        LOLOLOLOLOLOL Ham is a MYTHICAL CHARACTER that was invented by Jewish Priests to explain people the origins of all the nations who were part of the Hittie and Egyptian empires (which most of them are NOT blacks/africans). Study before you bullcrap on the internet with your lack of knowledge.

        1. Ra'anan Avatar

          DXRD620 Before I “bullcrap?” Is that a verb in your culture? Nevertheless, your mistake (I think in your culture that’s called “bullcrap,” but I’m not sure) is that you’ve viewed this nicely done production “5/13 “The Bible’s Buried Secrets” as the truth when actually Professor Israel Finkelstein is offering only a THEORY. Now, I don’t know how you say “theory” in your language (for all I know it’s called “bullcrap”), but at first blush the genetic record clearly contradicts Finkelstein’s idea because Jewish dna is KURDISH which is FAR from Cana’an. Also, if Israelites & Cana’anites are the same people, then why was the SHAPE of the houses changed? Another point, the baby-sacrificing Cana’anites left the low lands, moved up into the hills & suddenly became THE JEWS??? Now I know that the music suddenly became dramatic when the narrator made that claim, but that doesn’t make it true. Can you name ANY OTHER PEOPLE who moved from flat lands to hills a few miles away & then magically became a new people? That sounds like, how do you say it again, oh yeah, BULLCRAP! Some more evidence against your BULLCRAP, DXRD620, is the archaeological evidence of the Jewish Exodus from Egypt. Just google it. Hmmm, I see that Finkelstein & Faust are problematic archaeologists, constantly trying to undermine the Bible with their theories! Professor Michael Coogan’s assertion that “we don’t what G-d’s Name means” is simply not true. His Name means “He was, He is & He will be,” that is, He’s beyond time. This clip has high production value in shooting, but the logic is Mickey Mouse.

      3. DXRD620 . Avatar
        DXRD620 .

        1ST OF ALL: Get your facts straight: only 3%-5% of the world’s Jewry has Sub-Saharan genes, Over 93% of modern day Jews have Hebrews/Israelites DNA which is common in Canaanites, which archaeology proven to be the Ancestors of Israel, Jews has the highest distribution of the Mesopotamian haplogroup J2 which was common in 6200 BC Jericho’s Canaanites. Most of the Jews falls into J1&J2 which are both Semetic/Levantine DNA.

        1. Ra'anan Avatar

          DXRD620 You’ve misread the information. 3-5% of ALL (most) Jewry has Sub-Saharan dna. There is no way to tell what Cana’anite dna is & archaeology has NOT proven that Jews are Cana’anites, just a few THEORIZE that it may be so. Mesopotamian & Cana’anite dna are NOT the same.

  71. […] Jewish Unicorns […]

  72. Human Man Avatar
    Human Man

    99.9% of Jews in the world are either Ashkenazi or Sephardi. The vast majority of Jews are pretty homogeneous. Within the group are nerdy and non-nerdy, some a little more white, some a little less. For some reason there are Jews who love to concentrate on the relatively tiny portion of Jews who are outside the traditional communities, such as Chinese Jews and black Jews, painting an unrealistic picture of a “rainbow” of Jews. Sorry. I just had to keep it real. Not a value judgment. Just an observation. Myself, people think I’m an Arab.

  73. […] look—so I get considered to be like an ideal version of physical assimilation.  But there are so many people who don’t look “Jewish”—and who have probably gotten shit for it worse than I ever did. […]

  74. ForeverAnalog . Avatar
    ForeverAnalog .

    It it true that Jewish is a religion, but it is ALSO an ethnicity. While the Jews were scattered throughout the world- they trace lineage back to Israel and the tribes thereof. People that are Jewish faith are not truly Jewish. According to Jewish law, you are only Jewish if your mother is. I don’t think its a bad thing to say that Jews are a race of people- because it is that as well as cultural and religious. The Chinese people might be Jewish religion, but they are not Jewish in the Biblical sense.

  75. uncommonsense2010 Avatar

    I ask this for a discussion point only. The variety of “Jew” appearing here would illustrate that being Jewish is a religion.

    Then if Jewish is a religion and not a race then having a “Jewish homeland” is totally illogical. There’s no Christian Homeland, no Buddhist Homeland, no Pagan Homeland.

    The idea that there’s such a variety clearly says there’s no need to support such concept because a faith in a creator has no homeland. OR are all these direct descendants of the initial DNA from the voluntary spread of the people of Israel?

    I’m still trying to understand the Race / Faith here. (please note, I believe by DNA and family I may be part as well. But I wouldn’t support Christians having the North Pole as the Santa Homeland, so what good is a Jewish homeland.

    A city like Mecca or the Vatican sure, but a whole country with dual citizenship… baffling.

    1. lynn Avatar

      THEY ARE BOTH…A RELIGION AND A RACE. Google ‘Jewish DNA” plenty of research shows their genetic details them a race. It even shows diseases they’re more prone to catch. Kinda like black people and sickle cell. I was watching a documentary on DNA has us all connected to a tribe in Africa. Anyway a man from Turkey DNA’ s test proved he’s a descendent of the Jews. He responded as if his dog had died. It’s because of Jews and their study of DNA we have vaccines. And Hitler tried to use the genetic code against them. So let’s not deprive the the small land they’ve got:)

    2. Tristram Avatar

      Having a “Jewish homeland” is illogical regardless of whether you view it as a religion or race.

      On a religious level, having a “Jewish homeland” is discriminatory and entirely at odds with their attempts at passing as a first world democracy.

      On a race level, having a “Jewish homeland” is as bad as declaring America a nation for white people. Obscenely racist.

  76. wonderful Avatar

    do you forget the igbo Jews of Nigeria ? am part of it

  77. lynn Avatar

    Can we forget woody is a jew. He’s a disgrace to Jewish community. Let’s not forget Hitler had a Jewish father, and Kissinger is a trader when he said in 1940 basically, America should not be involved if they’re gassing the jews in the S.U.
    There are jews, loyal to their god and people.
    And then there the jews that are pro-money; the sell out. Being a jew is more than a race.

  78. Joe Silver Avatar
    Joe Silver

    Is Jewish a religion or a race? Prior to WWII the European Jewish population is listed as 16.346 Million (1935 ) in Sept. 1945 after WWII the European Jewish population was listed as 16.742 Million, Where did the millions of Jews the Nazis exterminated come from?

    1. kenzo77 Avatar

      The world Jewish pop. decreased from around 16+ million in 1939 to 11 million post Holocaust in ’45. Where are you getting your figures?

  79. Human Man Avatar
    Human Man

    These comments are months old, but I’m going to comment anyway because my view has not been expressed anywhere here. There’s room in Judaism for people who are of different community origins, but the fact is that 95% or more of Jews belong to the major communities, Ashkenazi and Sephardi. We are related to each other by blood, by our DNA, and that is known to the scientific community. When Jews of Sephardi and Ashkenazi background take DNA tests they find they have a lot of Middle East in their DNA. Our roots are in our homeland of Israel. Most Jews belong to a Jewish ethnicity and in our zeal to show diversity let’s not overlook that fact.

  80. Human Man Avatar
    Human Man

    And let me just add that in Israel Sephardi and Ashkenazi identity is melding into one. I think in the West there is a lack of self-acceptance among Ashkenazi Jews. The nerdy role is a consequence of that.

  81. Simon the Chicken Avatar
    Simon the Chicken

    So I’m guessing the other 12 tribes didn’t have descendants

  82. Abbas BAKER Avatar
    Abbas BAKER

    Thank you for this article. It is so enlightening.

  83. sampson3121 Avatar

    white, Chinese and Arab Hebrews? what a funny concept!

  84. Miriam Shamelashvili Avatar
    Miriam Shamelashvili

    Love this! Thank you for posting ans spreading the truth!

  85. edgeydave1 Avatar

    Also consider the fact that the world forces Judaism into a minority. Smallest religion on earth as they like to put it. Added up they’d count as ten times what the current “count” of Jews true numbers are.

    1. kenzo77 Avatar

      I don’t understand this comment at all; the world Jewish population as of 2012 was around 13.5 million out of a world population of what, 5 billion that year?; what exactly do you mean and what are your sources?

  86. NukeWaste Avatar

    Too cool.

  87. MB Avatar

    as a short, white and nerdy jew, i think it’s great to highlight that there’s such variety…but when you say people’s image of jews is based on “reasons that have nothing to do with reality”, that’s a little bit absurd. 90% of the jews in the US are ashkenazi. that’s not a “stereotype”, it’s a fact.

  88. Lois Rubin Gross Avatar
    Lois Rubin Gross

    Alysa Stanton is the most amazing rabbi I have ever heard chant torah, and she happens to be a Jew-by-choice of Black heritage. To hear her trop is to hear the torah really being
    read. Also, not to forget author/activist, Julius Lester, who discovered his Jewish heritage and reclaimed his birthright.

  89. builtitin1sec Avatar

    Jews were never white. They’re neanderthaloids who just happen to have fairer skin than other middle easterners. P.S, pure Arabs or pure Persians are not neanderthaloids.

  90. osicater Avatar

    Thanks to Dr oodlia for bringing back my wife,and brought great joy to my family?

    I am Dr.oodlia, I welcome you all to my world of spiritual temple of solution i want to assure you that what so ever you contacted me for will come to pass with the powers of my ancestors. i want to let you know that i am here to help you in any problem you might be facing, i have been in the field of helping people for over 55years now, i want to let you know that i have helped solving over 7000 people with so many problems in different countries and they have never stopped calling me to thank me for the good work i have done for them. My good work has spread to so many countries, why, is because they have seen my good work and they helped me spread it all over to the whole world. I want to let you know that the moment you contact me just consider all your problems solved because i know that once i commence on your spell work you are going to testify to the whole world here,Email me via address.(br oodliaspelltemple45@gmail.com)

    Are you passing through any of these problems,




























    If you are facing any of these problems all you just need do is to contact via email ( br oodliaspelltemple45@gmail.com )and it will be handle with full force and with my oracle and ancestors beside me i want to make you testify just the same way other people did that i have helped. Do not die in pain and silence email me so that your problems will be solved by me with full speed.I want welcome you again to my spell temple.If you have any problem that you want my help for just email me and immediately it will be solved. Here is my email address(br oodliaspelltemple45@gmail.com),.

  91. osicater Avatar

    Dr Oodlia is the only Dr who could ever get my HIV-AIDS cured with his healing spell, i have tried almost everything but i couldn’t find any solution on my disease, despite all these happening to me, i always spend a lot to buy HIV drugs from hospital and taking some several medications but no relieve, until one day i was just browsing on the internet when i come across a great post of !Nicole! who truly said that she was been diagnose with HIV and was healed that very week through the help of these great powerful healing spell doctor, sometime i really wonder why people called him Papa Oodlia, i never knew it was all because of the great and perfect work that he has been doing that is causing all this. so i quickly contacted him, and he ask me some few questions and he said a thing i will never forget that anyone who contacted him is ! always getting his or her healing in just 6 hours after doing all he ask you, so i was amazed all the time i heard that from him, so i did all things only to see that at the very day which he said i will be healed, all the strength that has left me before rush back and i becomes very strong and healthy, this disease almost kills my life all because of me, so i will to hospital to give the final test to the disease and the doctor said i am HIV negative, i am very amazed and happy about the healing Dr Oodlia gave to me from the help of his ancient herbs if you have any question for me concerning all i have said email me at:(holt06078899@gmail.com) But if you feel like contacting Dr Oodlia at once you can email him now for your own healing too at: (oodliaspelltemple45@gmail.com) or call his phone number which is +2348105913151 for direct contact good luck i am john holt…,.

  92. School of Propaganda Avatar
    School of Propaganda

    And the jews are not White – Try not to confuse to converted jews, religion & race is not the same.

  93. Vera Morgan Avatar
    Vera Morgan

    I have just found the right one and the greatest spell caster on earth who has brought back my happiness and turned my world around by helping me get my ex partner and helped me get back my life cause i was totally frustrated after 6years of hardship and pain, a friend of mine buzz me on my email saying i should cheer up cause solution has come. At first i was like what are you saying, then she mentioned the name ‘EBOEHI’ and i must thank my savior Great DR EBOEHI who has play a very vital part of my life making me a great person and the most happiest person today you are a great man who is bless by powers with traditional healing spell caster, after Great DR EBOEHI has help me get my ex back he also help me recover what i have lost in past years i must thank him (Great DR EBOEHI) the life he has restored back for me and my happiness. Now i am doing well in my work and also with my partner, Great DR EBOEHI is a very great spell caster you need to know just meet him and with your problem and it will be over.. Email him via: (supernaturalspelltemple@gmail.com) ..

  94. Sevilla Avatar

    Yes.But most of what she is showing are poeple who have no genetic link to the Israeli poeple. Its like calling the Congolese European because they are Christian

  95. Smith Temi Avatar
    Smith Temi

    Greetings to you all,


    I am smith faith,I am out here to spread this good news to the entire world on how i got my ex love back.I was going crazy when my love left me for another girl last month,But when i met a friend that introduce me to Dr.kurookak the great messenger to the wizards and witches that he serve,I narrated my problem to Dr.kurookak about how my ex love left me and also how i needed to get a job as a managing director in a very big company.He only said to me that i have come to the right place were i will get all my heart desire without any side effect.He told me what i needed to do,After it was been done,In the next 1 to 2 days,My love called me on the phone and was saying sorry for living me before now and also in the next one week after my love called me to be pleading for forgiveness,I was called for interview in my desired company were i needed to work as the managing director..I am so happy and overwhelmed that i have to tell this to the entire world to contact Dr.kurookak the following email address and get all your problem solve..No problem is too big for him to solve.Contact him direct Email at kurookakspellcaster@yahoo.com and get your problems solve like mine.

  96. nesne Avatar

    Here in Brasil most jews are eastern european descent (we had darker and more sephardic jews at my high school in seattle than I have met here) however one day I was in a city in the mountains of Rio de janiero state and saw a black man dressed in orthodox clothes.

  97. James Avatar

    I want to testify on the works of a great woman called Mrs Irenkpeter .she is a great woman who was able to cast a spell that brought to me the woman I loved.This woman is able and capable to solve any problem of yours.she is specialized in the following:

    (1)Spell for protection from danger
    (2)Spell for magic
    (3)Spell for same sex love
    (4)Spell for healing
    (5)Spell for invisibility
    (6)Spell for riches and fame
    (7)Spell to get a good job
    (8)Spell for strong love and relationship
    (9)Spell to bring your ex back
    (10)spell to cure your Hiv/Aids

    This woman has great powers and she is incredibly generous.You can contact her on email via: okojiespelltemple@outlook.com she can help you without stress try her today…

  98. […] absurd. Not all Jews are white with curly brown hair, OK? That's never been the way it was and it never will be. I'm not saying I'm Super Jew, taking flight at the sound of the shofar and possessing the ability […]

  99. […] absurd. Not all Jews are white with curly brown hair, OK? That's never been the way it was and it never will be. I'm not saying I'm Super Jew, taking flight at the sound of the shofar and possessing the ability […]

  100. Robert Feinberg Avatar
    Robert Feinberg

    If you have Jewish parents and were born into a family of Jewish descent, you are Jewish whether you like it or not.

  101. […] Not all Jews are white with curly brown hair, OK? That’s never been the way it was and it never will be. I’m not saying I’m Super Jew, taking flight at the sound of the shofar and possessing […]

  102. 16Thirdeye Avatar

    white or not, most agree jews are scum

  103. lizzy benjamin Avatar
    lizzy benjamin

    Hello I am lizzy , am out here to spread this good news to the entire world on how I got my ex husband back.I was going crazy when my husband left me and my two kids for another woman last month, But when i met a friend that introduced me to DR Agbalagba the great messenger to the oracle of DR Agbalagba healing home,I narrated my problem to DR Agbalagba about how my ex Husband left me and my two kids and also how i needed to get a job in a very big company.He only said to me that i have come to the right place were i will be getting my heart desire without any side effect.He told me what i need to do,After it was been done,24 hours later,My Ex Husband called me on the phone and was saying sorry for living me and the kids before now and one week after my Husband called me to be pleading for forgiveness,I was called for interview in a very big company here in IRELAND were i needed to work as the managing director..I am so happy and overwhelmed that i have to tell this to the entire world to contact DR Agbalagba on his personal email address and get all your problem solve..No problem is too big for him to solve..Contact him direct on: agbalagbatemple@yahoo.com and your problem will be solve.

  104. lizzy benjamin Avatar
    lizzy benjamin

    Hello I am lizzy , am out here to spread this good news to the entire world on how I got my ex husband back.I was going crazy when my husband left me and my two kids for another woman last month, But when i met a friend that introduced me to DR Agbalagba the great messenger to the oracle of DR Agbalagba healing home,I narrated my problem to DR Agbalagba about how my ex Husband left me and my two kids and also how i needed to get a job in a very big company.He only said to me that i have come to the right place were i will be getting my heart desire without any side effect.He told me what i need to do,After it was been done,24 hours later,My Ex Husband called me on the phone and was saying sorry for living me and the kids before now and one week after my Husband called me to be pleading for forgiveness,I was called for interview in a very big company here in IRELAND were i needed to work as the managing director..I am so happy and overwhelmed that i have to tell this to the entire world to contact DR Agbalagba on his personal email address and get all your problem solve..No problem is too big for him to solve..Contact.. him direct on: agbalagbatemple@yahoo.com and your problem will be solve.

  105. lizzy benjamin Avatar
    lizzy benjamin

    Hello I am lizzy , am out here to spread this good news to the entire world on how I got my ex husband back.I was going crazy when my husband left me and my two kids for another woman last month, But when i met a friend that introduced me to DR Agbalagba the great messenger to the oracle of DR Agbalagba healing home,I narrated my problem to DR Agbalagba about how my ex Husband left me and my two kids and also how i needed to get a job in a very big company.He only said to me that i have come to the right place were i will be getting my heart desire without any side effect.He told me what i need to do,After it was been done,24 hours later,My Ex Husband called me on the phone and was saying sorry for living me and the kids before now and one week after my Husband called me to be pleading for forgiveness,I was called for interview in a very big company here in IRELAND were i needed to work as the managing director..I am so happy and overwhelmed that i have to tell this to the entire world to contact DR Agbalagba on his personal email address and get all your problem solve..No problem is too big for him to solve..Contact him direct on: agbalagbatemple@yahoo.com and your problem will be solve…………………………..

  106. lizzy benjamin Avatar
    lizzy benjamin

    Hello I am lizzy , am out here to
    spread this good news to the entire world on how I got my ex husband back.I was
    going crazy when my husband left me and my two kids for another woman last
    month, But when i met a friend that introduced me to DR Agbalagba the great
    messenger to the oracle of DR Agbalagba healing home,I narrated my problem to
    DR Agbalagba about how my ex Husband left me and my two kids and also how i
    needed to get a job in a very big company.He only said to me that i have come
    to the right place were i will be getting my heart desire without any side
    effect.He told me what i need to do,After it was been done,24 hours later,My Ex
    Husband called me on the phone and was saying sorry for living me and the kids
    before now and one week after my Husband called me to be pleading for
    forgiveness,I was called for interview in a very big company here in IRELAND
    were i needed to work as the managing director..I am so happy and overwhelmed
    that i have to tell this to the entire world to contact DR Agbalagba on his
    personal email address and get all your problem solve..No problem is too big
    for him to solve..Contact him direct on: agbalagbatemple@yahoo.com and your
    problem will be solve.,

  107. lizzy benjamin Avatar
    lizzy benjamin

    Hello I am lizzy , am out here to
    spread this good news to the entire world on how I got my ex husband back.I was
    going crazy when my husband left me and my two kids for another woman last
    month, But when i met a friend that introduced me to DR Agbalagba the great
    messenger to the oracle of DR Agbalagba healing home,I narrated my problem to
    DR Agbalagba about how my ex Husband left me and my two kids and also how i
    needed to get a job in a very big company.He only said to me that i have come
    to the right place were i will be getting my heart desire without any side
    effect.He told me what i need to do,After it was been done,24 hours later,My Ex
    Husband called me on the phone and was saying sorry for living me and the kids
    before now and one week after my Husband called me to be pleading for
    forgiveness,I was called for interview in a very big company here in IRELAND
    were i needed to work as the managing director..I am so happy and overwhelmed
    that i have to tell this to the entire world to contact DR Agbalagba on his
    personal email address and get all your problem solve..No problem is too big
    for him to solve..Contact him direct on: agbalagbatemple@yahoo.com and your
    problem will be solve.,

  108. Gary Deezy Avatar
    Gary Deezy

    I think most of us realize that Judaism is primarily a religion, not a race. I think what most people want to know are two things:
    1) Why are most of the Jews in Israel light skinned when most others living in the Arab world are of darker skin?
    2) What was it like around Jesus’ time? Being Jewish, I would like to know more about his Earthly family’s heritage… were they Arab and had darker skin? Was his family connected to Jews of different heritage? To be clear, I don’t really care what the answer is, and I honestly suspect that Jesus was darker-skinned than most US Christian churches portray him, but it would be very interesting to know for sure.

  109. lovespell Avatar

    MYNA is my name from USA. I have been rejected by my husband after
    three(3) years of marriage just because another woman had a spell on him
    and he left me and the kid to suffer. one day when i was reading
    through the web, i saw a post on how this spell caster on this address
    okuntemple@gmail.com, have help a woman to get back her husband with
    just 200pounds and i gave him a reply to his address and he told me that
    a woman had a spell on my husband and he told me that he will help me
    and after 3 days that i will have my husband back. i believed him and
    today i am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the
    power to bring lovers back. because i am now happy with my husband.
    Thanks for Dr Okun. His email: okuntemple@gmail.com +2347060595685

  110. Isaac Der3i Avatar
    Isaac Der3i

    This article doesn’t really teach us anything new. Most people know that there are jews from the Caucasus (who are actually um…caucasian by race just like 99% of all Jews). According to the US census, anyone from europe, north africa, or the middle east is caucasian/white.

    Most people know that there are jews from Iran. Anyone ever hear the story of Esther??

    Most know about black ethiopian jews who are also semites (they speak amharic).

    Most people should know that sefaradi and ashkenazi jews are both the same color and race, we are olive skinned on average but belong to the white/caucasian racial category. Yes, our ancestors came from the middle east, but middle easterners are white, according the US census, and we are definitely caucasoid by physical anthropology (which forensic science still uses to identify the race of an individual based on skull shape).

    The DNA of sefaradim and ashkenazim is predominately near eastern. There are sefaradi jews that look like woody allen and ashkenazi jews that look like the ayatollahs of iran.

    The fact is there are those of any race who practice judaism, the religion, but most people who practice judaism happen to be middle eastern. Surprise surprise, because our ancestors like Maimonides and Rashi were israelites/hebrews from israel and babylonia/persia.

    I am jewish, my race is hebrew. My background is sefaradic from Morocco. There are ashkenazim that are darker than me. This article is stereotypical. I know its not pc to say that most jews are genetically hebraic (for the most part), but genetic studies prove it. Y dna, Mitochondrial dna, genome wide studies show that the closest relatives of the ashkenazim are sefaradim. Why is that? Because we descend from the hebrews.

    Unless of course all of those dna tests are lying. And why practice pesaH, do we not say our ancestors, our fathers? Is that all a lie too?

  111. […] Via Pop Chassid: 10 Photos To Remind You That Jews Don’t Fit Into a Stereotype and Never … […]

  112. Future Child Avatar
    Future Child

    This race mixing is bad. Jews are white. And sephardic jews are only jews from spain and portugal. Ashkenazi are from Poland and Europe. By migrating they are no longer ashkenazi, sephardic if they don’t marry into their own group.

  113. hope mary Avatar
    hope mary

    HOW I GOT MY HUSBAND BACK!!! i want to say a very big thanks and appreciation to Prophet ogul for bringing back my husband wholeft i and the kids for almost two months. i am very muchgrateful to Prophet ogul. I pray God almighty give you the strength and wisdom to help more people having similar problem like mine. for help you can reach him on his email address: doctorogul@gmail.com he is very powerful and can solve any kind of problem below.

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    Do you need a job?

    Do you need a husband?

    Do you have problem in your marriage life?

    Contact doctorogul@gmail.com today for speed help:

  114. hope mary Avatar
    hope mary

    HOW I GOT MY HUSBAND BACK!!! i want to say a very big thanks and appreciation to Prophet ogul for bringing back my husband wholeft i and the kids for almost two months. i am very muchgrateful to Prophet ogul. I pray God almighty give you the strength and wisdom to help more people having similar problem like mine. for help you can reach him on his email address: doctorogul@gmail.com he is very powerful and can solve any kind of problem below.

    Do you want your ex lover back?

    Do you want to get pregnant?

    Do you want your husband to appreciate you?

    Do you want to be famous or rich?

    DO you have hiv cure?

    Do you your business to grow excessively?

    Do you want to be honorably good academically?

    Do you need a job?

    Do you need a husband?

    Do you have problem in your marriage life?

    Contact doctorogul@gmail.com today for speed help: hhhhhhhhhhhhh

  115. hope mary Avatar
    hope mary

    HOW I GOT MY HUSBAND BACK!!! i want to say a very big thanks and appreciation to Prophet ogul for bringing back my husband wholeft i and the kids for almost two months. i am very muchgrateful to Prophet ogul. I pray God almighty give you the strength and wisdom to help more people having similar problem like mine. for help you can reach him on his email address: doctorogul@gmail.com he is very powerful and can solve any kind of problem below.

    Do you want your ex lover back?

    Do you want to get pregnant?

    Do you want your husband to appreciate you?

    Do you want to be famous or rich?

    DO you have hiv cure?

    Do you your business to grow excessively?

    Do you want to be honorably good academically?

    Do you need a job?

    Do you need a husband?

    Do you have problem in your marriage life?

    Contact doctorogul@gmail.com today for speed help:

  116. Duncan Crow Avatar

    The pic of 2 brothers in #1 look like they have different fathers or are not brothers.

  117. Duncan Crow Avatar

    None of these pictures show the true white/aryan (jewish person) with Rh negative bloodline, the line that was specifically created to rule and established as a monarchy before the Jewish bible was invented. Why are they not represented?

  118. cant even define what you are Avatar
    cant even define what you are

    oh ya, just pick one, a religion, a culture, a race, Jews just make it up as they go to suit the best interests.

  119. […] You may be wondering why I’m making this into a big deal, why I care so much about originality vs. unoriginality.  I suppose it’s actually because as a writer myself, I’ve finally come to the realization that I’ve let these myths get to my head.  I’ve been frustrated with myself for quite sometime for not writing enough “original” material.  Why was I constantly writing about creativity (I’m doing it right now!), mental health, deeply personal memoirish writing, and doing all these listicle photo posts? […]

  120. […] Not all Jews are white with curly brown hair, OK? That’s never been the way it was and it never will be. I’m not saying I’m Super Jew, taking flight at the sound of the shofar and possessing […]

  121. […] the link here or above to learn more! Connect the dots- follow the […]

  122. […] recently came across a great article by Elad Nehorai entitled “10 Photos To Remind You That Jews Don’t Fit Into a Stereotype (and Never Have)” which showcases the ethnic and cultural diversity of the Jewish community across the globe. […]

  123. […] once Israel was established, Jews from all over the world were paid to leave their countries of origin in order to displace the Palestinian […]

  124. […] For a fabulous post that shatters stereotypes about what Jews look like, please check out this post by Pop Chasid, here. […]

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