Category: Art

  • You Already Read This

    You Already Read This

    This blog is already written. I know for you it already is. But what I mean is that for me, right now, as I am writing it, it already exists.

  • Art is Garbage (And So Are You)

    Art is Garbage (And So Are You)

    The Mona Lisa is trash. Those sunflowers Van Gogh painted? Just colors on canvas. Nothing. That drawing your kid made for art class? Honestly, really, it’s no good. Squiggles.

  • Van Gogh Doesn’t Need Your Money

    Van Gogh Doesn’t Need Your Money

    Van Gogh, though, he made two hundred and ten dollars his whole life from his paintings. He spent his entire life just painting, scrounging. He had no idea about this genius. He didn’t know his work would one day sell for so much.