Category: Personal

  • The (Jewish) Problem With Social Media

    The (Jewish) Problem With Social Media

    Social media, in so many ways, is an amazing thing. For all the dung that gets thrown at it, its powers are almost unrivaled compared to any other tool on the internet. We’re talking about a beast that helped topple multiple governments. That makes people famous overnight. That gives people who never had a voice…

  • On Not Writing

    On Not Writing

    Do you have any idea what that’s like, I want to ask. To know you’ve hurt others with your own words. You’ve torn the world down. You’ve hurt people. If the pen is mightier than the sword then writers are killers.

  • Free The Jewish Artist!

    Free The Jewish Artist!

    Is it possible to be creative and still be a Jew? Can I, a person filled with this passion in my heart – a passion that is alive, breathing, on fire – translate that passion into a piece of art without compromising my principles?

  • Listen


    Through our whole lives, we walk like zombies, ignoring the sound that rages inside of us. We think we are cut off from the vibrations of the universe, the world beyond and within. We think we are humans of flesh and blood. We live in a world of how and no why, a world where…

  • The Second Sentence

    The Second Sentence

    To write the first sentence means to be a mensch. It means you’ve let go of the ropes binding you and you’ve jumped forward into a whole new world. But what about the other sentences?

  • Flow


    We need to move, because if we don’t we’re not Jews, we’re not people, and we’re not fulfilling our purpose in life.

  • The Best Job In The World

    The Best Job In The World

    Usually I don’t like jobs. Mostly because they involve work. And doing things. And being bossed around. But this job is different. I’m actually pumped to do it. And, who knows, I might actually stay excited.

  • Confessions of a Jewish Blogger

    Confessions of a Jewish Blogger

    Pop Chassid has a problem. On one hand, it tries to use the modern world to its advantage. To raise up the world of movies and art. On the other, the world of movies and art violates Jewish ideals to an almost absurd degree.

  • Crawling Under Your Own Skin

    Crawling Under Your Own Skin

    It’s pretty nuts, really, if you think about it. All of us have been in that biology class, where they would show a body without the skin. And there in front of us is this bizarre, stretched-back red face and body. And even though this guy is much more buff than you, you can’t help…

  • You Already Read This

    You Already Read This

    This blog is already written. I know for you it already is. But what I mean is that for me, right now, as I am writing it, it already exists.