Tag: fear
How To Avoid Life’s Biggest Regret
The things we’re always putting off, our big dreams, also happen to be the biggest regrets of those about to die.
Freaking Out On The Road To Destiny
Three times I had super-duper freakouts in my life. Three times that scared me to my very core. Three times that meant more than I could imagine.
How Sensitive People Afraid Of Failing Can Still Succeed
Sensitive people are often the ones most afraid of failing. Here’s why, and here’s what they can do about it.
It’s Your Job To Do The Impossible
A post that examines why you think your dreams/desires/needs are impossible, and why you need to stare this impossibility straight in the face and go to war with it.
How Do I Know I’m Doing The Right Thing?
I’m trying to live a life that I’ve been afraid of living for years. I’m trying to push forward a movement in the Jewish world. And I have no idea if I’m right to do either one.
Writing Is For The Weak
The world says that whatever we do, we should be strong. And if it pains us to share our work, or get attacked for it, we aren’t cut out to create. Hogwash.
Your Ideas Matter
The world has taught us to run from our ideas, from risk, and from failure. We avoid highs and lows, but miss out on everything about life that matters.