Tag: mental health
When It Is Our Friends Who Are Depressed
It is one thing to live with our own depression. It is quite another to be around those who are suffering from it.
In Mental Health, There Are No Happy Endings
The biggest myth we all need to fight if we truly want to reach a mentally healthy place.
When Mental Health Activism Turns Dangerous
Mental health activists have been fighting a winning war for more awareness for their cause. But there have been unintended consequences to their success.
The Lie That Drugs And Mental Instability Make Us Great Artists
Man, do artists love the myth of drug dependence and emotional instability being the key to unlocking their creativity. Only one problem: they’re dangerously wrong.
My Fantabulous Journey To Losing 18 Pounds In 2 Months
About the last time I wasn’t fat, then how I got fat, then how I started to stop being fat again. And also, why it matters to the way we all approach weight loss.
I’m Addicted To Anxiety
For the last year and a half, I’ve been going through intense anxiety. It was only after looking back on my life that I was able to figure out why.
We All Go A Little Crazy Sometimes
What did “Robin Williams Did Not Kill Himself” reveal about us as people? A soul-searching guest post by Rivka Nehorai, AKA Mrs. Pop Chassid.
Robin Williams Didn’t Kill Himself
The death of Robin Williams is a chance for us to change the way we frame and discuss mental illness.
Why People Shouldn’t Hide Their Mental Illnesses
It saddens me deeply to see just how many people are hiding their mental illnesses from the world. Here’s why I think we should be open them.
What It’s Like To Be Suicidal
A guest post by Luftmentsch about the depths of depression and how it can lead to wanting to end everything. *TRIGGER WARNING*